बृहन्मुंबई महानगरपालिका रुग्णालय
Department of Clinical Hematology
In 1961, Dr.J.C.Patel, Hon. Physician, Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, obtained a grant of Rs.30, 000.00 from Glaxo Laboratories Ltd. to start work in Hematology. A full time medical officer and technician were appointed to work under the guidance of Dr. J.C. Patel and Prof. .N.M. Purandare. Over a period of six months, they established most of the laboratory tests necessary for diagnosis of various hematological disorder that were encountered in practice.
The department was named after Dr. J.C Patel in 1977. Medical Council of India (MCI) gave permission to superspeciality course in start DM Clinical Hematology in 2001 and first batch of students got admission from 2002. Then MCI recognized DM course in 2012.
The department is located on 10th floor of multistoried building of this hospital and has dedicated state of art hematology day care centre on 11th floor, specialized hematology laboratory. There is facility of clean and well maintained ward with total capacity of 28 beds. The day care facility has started to cater patients of Thalassemia, hemophilia and hematological malignancies. It was inaugurated by honorable Dean and director, Dr. Avinash Supe in December 2016 and is funded by NATCO Trust.
The Dr. J. C. Patel Department of Hematology provides hemato-oncology services to the patients that are referred to the King Edward Memorial VII Hospital and caters to the lower strata of the society. This is one of the oldest and most prestigious Medical Colleges in India, with 1820 bed capacity & century old record of superlative patient care in all Departments. It has got one of the biggest Hematology Departments in Mumbai, with the monthly O.P.D. attendance of almost 350 to 500 patients coming from all over India.
The hematology department has easy access to the two main libraries , i.e. the central library of the hospital& the more specialized library of the IIH which is housed in the same building as the department. Besides these the department has its own collection of reference books.
The OPD runs on Monday & Thursday from 9.30 new multistory building first floor new multistory building, where an average 150 patients are seen.
Bone marrow aspiration & biopsies are done daily with CBC & coagulation services. Thalassemia screening test is also done in the laboratory.
In the day care located on the 11th floor, day care chemotherapy, blood transfusion for Thalassemia and hemophilia patients services available daily.
Dr. J. C. Patel
Department of Hematology
King Edward VII Memorial Hospital & Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College
Acharya Donde Marg, Parel, Mumbai 400 012. India.
Tel. 91 22 2413 6051
Ext. 2528 [Laboratory]
Ext. 2142 [Ward 42]
Ext 2063 [HOD]
Fax. 91 22 2413 8521
E mail:
Teaching & Non Teaching
Name | Designation |
Dr.Farah F.Jijina | Professor & Head |
Dr.Chandrakala S. | Associate Professor |
Mrs.Vijaya Nair | Lab.Technician |
Mrs.Neha Deshmukh | Lab.Technician |
Mrs.Swati Limaye | Lab.Technician |
Mrs.Bhakti Mayekar | Lab.Technician |
The department provides training for the residents registered for the following courses:
M.D. (Gen. Medicine) | University of Bombay | 3 year course |
M.D. (Paediatrics) | University of Bombay | 3 year course |
M.D. (Pathology) | University of Bombay | 3 year course |
The Department is awaiting approval from the MCI for registering postgraduates for DM (Clinical Hematology) Thus for the term beginning in August 1999, the following registrations could be available.
For details regarding application forms, selection criteria, please contact the post graduate section of the J.J. Hospital, Mumbai.
The following is the approximate distribution of the various postings during a two year residency DM [Clinical Hematology]
Hematology Wards [Junior resident]- | 6 months |
Laboratory Medicine Rotation- | 6 months |
Blood Bank Rotation- | 3 months |
BMT Rotation- | 3 months |
Hematology Wards [Senior resident]- | 6 months |
Working Schedule of Department
Out Patient Clinic | Days | Timings |
New & Old Patients | Monday & Thursday | 9.00 to 3.00 pm |
The average OPD attendance patients – visits per year are as follows:
1) Dr.Bharat Soni
2) Dr.Nitin Gundre
3) Dr.Swarup Pal
4) Dr.Soumen Paul
5) Dr. Pranav Mali
6) Sayajirao Sargar
7) Dr.Supreet Marahe
8) Dr.Gauri Datar
9) Dr.V.Nagesh R
10) Nilesh Purkar
11) Dr.Nilesh Purkar
12) Dr.Shikha Gupta
ICMR has already recognized the 10 th floor hematology inpatient facilities of the Dr. J. C. Patel Hematology Department at the KEM Hospital as its clinical wing for the conduct of various research activities and drug trials. The following facilities are available to the Dr. J. C. Patel Department of Hematology from IIH [ICMR] for various collaborative projects
The IIH has a well equipped library with a good number of books, periodicals and Journals. It also has Medline on CD ROM as well as an Internet connection [TCP/IP account] for online search. It also subscribes to the Current Contents which are available on floppies for ready reference on the IIH computer network. It has an excellent audio visual conference hall facilities that are being used for interdepartmental teaching programmes.
The department offers the M.Ch Course of three years duration in Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery under the aegis of the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences Nashik. We have an intake of 4 students from this year. KEM Hospital is very often the first choice of PG students at the time of registration and this reflects the quantum and quality of training in the department. The residents go through a rigorous training programme aimed at attaining basic clinical and surgical skills. The residents rotate through other disciplines like Cardiology, Chest medicine, Vascular Interventional Radiology and Surgical Oncology at Tata Memorial Hospital. The department has an active teaching programme in the form of clinical presentations, journals club, diagnostic catheterization conferences and mortality meeting.The department also runs one year certificate course in the Extra Corporeal Perfusion Technology. The intake is of three students every year. The department also runs the lecture seriesand practical for BPMT course from MUHS. The department also given six months observation and training to the students recommended by the Bakkenn Institute.In addition, lectures are taken for Undergraduates, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy students, Nurses and others. The postgraduate students in Nursing from SNDT Women’s University spend a period of 3 months for practical training and research studies.
a) Safety and Efficacy of Intracoronary and Intramyocardial delivery of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells in patients with triple vessel coronary artery disease and left ventricular dysfunction undergoing surgical revascularization.b) Randomized study to assess efficacy of three different ablative procedures to treat atrial fibrillation in patients with valvular heart disease.c) Research project submitted to DBT – Development of an experimental model employing vascular endothelial cells for its potential use in Tissue Engineered conduits.”