
Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.

         1            2     
             5    6         
7     8     9                  
     10      11               
   13                14       
18              19            


1. Contractile cell in a capillary (8)
3. This layer is very prominent in a muscular artery (acronym) (3)
4. Multinucleated cells in a bone responsible for bone resorption (10)
5. Protein present in the intermediate filaments of connective tissue cells (8)
10. Cell organelle that is responsible for the basal basophilia in the cells of a serous acinus (acronym) (3)
11. An artery with diameter less than 0.3 mm (9)
13. Type III collagen is called as .........(9)
15. Simple, coiled tubular gland present in skin (5)
16. Active region of a lymphoid follicle that is pale staining (8,6)
17. Shape of cells in the lining epithelium of a blood vessel (8)
18. Contractile cells present around an acinus of an exocrine gland (13)
21. Hair follicle, arrector pili and sebaceous gland are together given this name (13,4)
22. Type I collagen and absence of perichondrium are features of this type of cartilage (14)
23. Antigen presenting cell of the epidermis of skin (10,4)


1. Cell of connective tissue with a clock-face or cartwheel shaped eccentric nucleus (6,4)
2. Layer of connective tissue present in a bone that protects, nourishes and provides osteoprogenitor cells for appositional growth (10)
6. Elongated cylindrical structure containing contractile proteins that lies in the sarcoplasm (9)
7. Programmed cell death (9)
8. Junctional complex between adjacent cardiac muscle cells (12,4)
9. Protein present in the intermediate filaments of muscle cells (6)
12. Connective tissue surrounding a nerve fasciculus (11)
14. Alternative name for Haversian system of compact bones (6)
18. This lipid sheath present in a peripheral nerve gets dissolved tissue processing for H & E staining (6)
19. Cell organelle with the function of intracellular digestion and phagocytosis (8)
20. Concentrically arranged epitheloid cells with unknown function present in the medulla of thymus are called as corpuscles of ........ (7)