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Dermatology (Skin, STD & Leprosy)


The Department of Dermatology was established at Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital by Dr. A.C Rebello in 1926, the same year when KEM hospital was established.  The out-patient department, (OPD)is situated on first floor main building above the casualty and the in-patient department (IPD) i.e the dermatology wards, Ward No.17&18 (ground floor & first floor) are located in the main Hospital building.
From 1926 Seth G.S Medical College had post of honorary dermatologist and venereologist and honorary lecturer, with externs to assist outpatient department. With increased work load there was an appointment of resident registrar in 1930.In 1931 house physician was appointed. Honorary dermatologist started lectures and clinical demonstrations.

Later Dr. Sharat Desai established the first residency program in dermatology. He contributed in setting up the mycology lab adjacent to the skin OPD which was of immense benefit to the department.

In 1980s Dr. Rui Fernandez took over as the Head of Department. He was the pioneer in starting the interdepartmental (Surgery and Medicine) meetings. He initiated the specialty dermatology clinics like dermatosurgery, vitiligo, paediatric dermatology, acne and psoriasisfor better patient care. He was instrumental in starting the Hair transplant surgeries in the department.
Dr. Pushpa Gupte was the Head of Department of Dermatology from 1996. She upgraded the mycology lab by introducing the laminar airflow for cultures. She took keen interest in building up and maintaining the dermatopathology section. From 1926-2002, the department was always headed by the honorary professor.
In 2002 Dr. Uday Khopkar joined Department as the first full-time Professor and Head of Department.
He initiated the Ultraviolet therapy, Dermoscopy, and Pulse therapy for vesiculobullous disorders. He was instrumental in getting the first laser to the department.
Dr. UdayKhopkar and  Dr. Vidya Kharkar are the founders and Guides for Fellowship in Diagnostic Dermatology Course  which was started in 2009 affiliated to  Maharashtra University of Health Science (MUHS) , India.
Dr. Vidya Kharkar,is the current  Head of the department from 2019  . She is  the alumnus of  same institute - having done both her  under graduation and post graduation from Seth G.S.Medical College & K.E.M hospital. She has keen interest in further developing clinical dermatology including paediatric and geriatric dermatology. Patient education, is one of her priority ,  she has introduced patient education video series and education  posters. She started non-cultured melanocyte grafting for vitiligo and Platelet rich plasma treatment for hair loss. She also initiated the Dr.R.J. Fernandez  award for the Best  Dermatology  Resident  since 2020

Ex-Heads of the department

Sr. No. Ex-Heads of the department Year
1 Dr. Alfred C. Rebello (1926-1946)
2 Dr. Joseph A Fernandez (1946-1958)
3 Dr. Sharat Desai (1958-1973)
4 Dr. James Fernandez (1973-1978)
5 Dr. M. W. Dhurandhar (1978-1980)
6 Dr. Rui J. Fernandez (1980-1996)
7 Dr. Pushpa Gupte (1996-2002)
8 Dr. Uday Khopkar (2002-2019)

Future outlook

  • To set up the dermatology Intensive care unit
  • To upgrade the current operation theatre to a full-fledged one for various dermatological surgeries e.g.- Hair transplants, vitiligo surgeries, fat transplant, nail surgeries, etc.
  • To upgrade the Dermato-aesthetic procedures- Botox, fillers, threads, etc.
  • To upgrade the Diagnostic Dermatology section e.g.- Direct immunofluorescence test, Fotofinder, etc.
  • To start separate OPDs for nail and geriatric skin disorders

Head of the Department :

Dr. Vidya D. Kharkar, M.D. (Skin), D.V.D.

Department Staff :

Sr. No.


Faculty Details



Dr. Vidya Kharkar (MBBS, DVD, MD)
Fellow in Dermatopatholgy
Professor& Head
Teaching Experience-34 years



Dr. Sunanda Mahajan (MBBS, DVD, MD)
Professor& Unit Head
Teaching Experience-33 years



Dr. Siddhi Chikhalkar (MBBS, DVL, MD)
Fellow in Diagnostic Dermatology
Associate Professor
Teaching Experience-20 years



Dr. Prachi Gole (MBBS, DVL, MD)
Fellow in Diagnostic Dermatology
Associate Professor
Teaching Experience-12 years


Dr Dipali Rathod (MBBS, DDVL, DNB)
Fellow in Diagnostic Dermatology
Assistant Professor
Teaching Experience-10 years


Dr Shreya Singh (MBBS, DNB)
Assistant Professor
Teaching Experience- 3 years


Dr.Savera Gupta (MBBS, MD,DNB)
Fellow in Diagnostic Dermatology
Assistant Professor
Teaching Experience- 4.5 years


Dr. Tejas Vishwanath (MBBS, MD,DNB)
Fellow in Diagnostic Dermatology
Assistant Professor
Teaching Experience- 2 years

Senior Residents

Sr. No.




Email id.


Dr Anmol Bhargava

Senior Resident



Dr Vijay Joshi

Senior Resident



Dr Meghana Rane

Senior Resident



Dr Agni Bose

Senior Resident





Dr.Ketki Bhoite


Senior Resident




Dr Abhijit Chakraborthy

(Diagnostic Dermatology)

(paediatric dermatology)


Dr.Dipti Thakur

(Diagnostic Dermatology)


Junior Residents

Sr. no.



Email id.


Swati Sharma



Anuj Gupta



Priyanka Kute



Rajvi Bheda



Priyanka Bobade



Manisha Salve



Saniya Itkelwar



Gauri Chikhalkar



Payal Choithani



Nitesh Sidar



Ujjwal Rathi



Mahendra Madavi



Visiting Faculty


Observers (1UG &1 PG)


Clerk cum Typist


Lab. Technician


Staff Nurse-OPD


STI Counsellor


Leprosy Worker 


Routine Daily OPDs :

  • Issue of paper for OPD - 8.00am to 10.30 am
  • Monday to Saturday  - New + Old/ Follow up patients
  • Unit 1 OPD Dr. V.D.Kharkar - Mondays ,Wednesdays,Fridays
  • Unit 2 OPD Dr. S.A.Mahajan -  Tuesdays,Thursdays, Saturdays
  • Monday/Tuesday -Issuing of Histopathology Report  8:30 am onwards
  • Monday to Saturday- Simple office procedure and

 Minor surgeries by appointment

  • All Days- Skin biopsies of relevant cases 

Special Clinics     (8:30 am -  12.30 pm)Mondays  - Cosmetology clinic

  • Diagnosis and treatment of pigmentary conditions(Facial pigmentation)
  • Services offered -
  • Chemical peels
  • Laser peel (Q-switched Nd Yag Laser)
  • Treatment of acne scars with subcision, dermaroller, TCA CROSS and Erbium Yag laser, platelet rich plasma (PRP) is done depending upon the type of scarring.

Tuesdays  - Vitiligo clinic

  • In this clinic photographic evidence of all the patients are maintained
    before and after treatment.  Woods lamp examination  and dermoscopy are  done to confirm the diagnosis . Medical management is offered. Refractory and  stable cases are managed with surgical modalities of treatment like skin grafting, non-cultured melanocyte grafting and excimer laser and phototherapy.

Wednesday - Psoriasis clinic

  • Regular follow-up of psoriasis cases with topical and systemic therapies , Photo therapy (NB-UVB, Targeted Hand foot unit for localized involvement)
  • Newer systemic therapies ( Biologicals and small molecules like JAK inhibitors) are advised for patients with skin and joint involvement
  • Indoor admission facility for patients with extensive involvement and unstable disease.

Thursdays - Paediatric Dermatology clinic

In this clinic photographic evidence of all the patients are maintained. Variety of diseases specific to the Pediatric population including rare genetic disorders are diagnosed and treated. Therapeutic counseling is done for chronic cases.

 Fridays - Acne clinic

In this clinic patients are evaluated according to the severity of acne and treated accordingly.Photographic record of patients are  maintained. Chemical peels (Salicylic acid and glycolic acid )Intense Pulse Light and Erbium YAG laser for acne scars

Saturdays - Hair clinic

  • Detailed history and examination of patients with hair loss are performed and proforma are maintained. Trichoscopic  examination of patients is performed for non invasive diagnosis and follow up.
  • Scalp biopsy is done as and when indicated for confirmation of diagnosis. Medical management of all types of hair loss is done
  • Treatments offered include-Intralesional steroid injections, Excimer laser ( For Alopecia areata), platelet rich plasma therapy ,injectable platelet rich fibrin (iPRF) dermaroller , mesotherapy (Male pattern baldness/Androgenetic alopecia)and DPCP therapy(for extensive and refractory alopecia areata)
  • Counselling of the patients

STI Clinic – Daily

  • Patients with sexually transmitted infections are diagnosed and treated Testing for HIV and syphilis is available for these patients
  • STI counselor  for managing and counseling  of STI cases.
  • Free  distribution of treatment kits for these patients.

Leprosy clinic- Monday and Tuesday   9am to 12.30 pm

  • Diagnosed cases of leprosy are registered under NLEP and free monthly treatment kitsare provided
  • Slit skin smears are done
  • Counseling and contact tracing is done.

Wards: Ward no 17 (Ground  floor) /  Ward 18 (First Floor)
The Dermatology ward is 60 bedded (40 beds in KEM hospital and 20 in Acworth hospital, Wadala) with separate wings for female and male patients. It takes care of patients of acute skin failure, erythrodermas  adverse cutaneous drug reactions, skin malignancies, extensive vesicullobullous disorders, connective tissue diseases , STIs and leprosy patients in reaction. There are  separate isolation rooms for severely immunocompromised patients or those with MRSA infections. Patients who require intravenous pulse therapy or biological infusions for autoimmune conditions are also admitted for constant monitoring. The ward is managed by our team of doctors, professional  nurses and helper staff. 

Dematosurgical procedures:

  • Procedures done routinely: Diagnostic Skin biopsies (Punch, shave, incisional and excision), Nail biopsies
  • Therapeutic  biospsies
  • Molluscum contagiosum and milia extraction, Comedone expression, chemical peels, intralesional injections, phenol application, slit skin smears for diagnosis of leprosy
  • Minor surgical procedures:
  • Vitiligo surgeries (Dermabrasion, Punch grafting, shave grafting, suction blister technique of skin grafting, smash technique)
  • Scar Revision surgeries
  • Cyst excision, xanthelasma excision
  • Chemical peels- Trichloroacetic acid, salicylic acid and glycolic acid
  • Machine based procedures: Radiofrequency and electrocautery: For management of warts, sebaceous hyperplasia,skin tags and benign tumors and thermolysis for hair removal
  • Wood’s lamp examination ( Diagnostic)
  • Cryotherapy – For lesions like hemangiomas, keloids, hypertrophic scars are treated with cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen.
  • DPCP application for alopecia areata.

Phototherapy(therapeutic) all days from 8:30 am onwards

  • PUVA chamber- everyday .The department has a PUVA chamber where patients of psoriasis, vitiligo and mycosis fungoides are treated .
  • NB-UVB chamber – everyday The department has a NB-UVB chamber where patients of psoriasis and vitiligo are treated .
  • Combined PUVA and NB- UVB chamber
  • Hand foot panel for localized palmoplantar lesions.
  • UVA1 Chamber for Scleroderma & Generalized Morphea Patients.
  • Photopatch test unit  for detecting photo allergy

The department is equipped with multiple lasers used for the treatment of various skin conditions at minimal cost.
Q switched NdYAGlaser (active)
Intense pulse light (IPL)
Excimer light
Multiplatform laser-Erbium YAG,  Q switched Nd YAG , Laser hair reduction
Dermatopathology services
Patients with doubtful diagnosis are biopsied for confirmation of diagnosis. The department has a state of the art multiheaded microscope  as well as binocular microscopes. The microscope is equipped with teaching heads and a TV monitor for teaching postgraduates. It is also connected to a PC for storing still histopathologic  images.. The department also has a laboratory where biopsy samples are processed. The histopathological slides are processed in the dermatology  department itself  and reported by the dermatology faculty  itself.
Department has a video and well as hand held dermatoscopes. It provides for non invasive evaluation of various skin conditions. Images are stored on the computer for correlation with clinical and histological findings and can be retrieved at a later date for comparison.

Microscopy diagnostic services

Scraping, smears and cultures for  demonstration of  fungal infection,Tzanck smears for vesiculobullous disorders and viral infections , Gram’s smears for bacterial infection. Hair mount analysis foe various hair shaft disorders.


ASST (autologous serum skin test) for chronic urticaria
Centrifuge machine for preparation of platelet rich plasma , injectable platelet rich fibrin and autologous serum skin test
Autoclave- For sterilization of instruments





















Average daily OPD count: 350 - 400
Weekly indoor admissions: 15
Daily number of patients for phototherapy: 15
Daily number of patients for laser therapy: 10
Daily number of patients for procedures: 20

Patient Education Events: Yearly

  • Leprosy day celebrated with pictorial educative power point presentations and  role  play for awareness
  • Vitiligo day celebrated with patient friendly  presentations ,role  play for awareness about the disease ,interactive sessions amongst patients and doctors
  • Pemphigus meet held annually for awareness and decreasing the stigma regarding the disease.
  • World AIDS day imparting knowledge about STIs and AIDS at is celebrated, Lectures are taken , awareness is created regarding AIDS and treatment, and role plays are used for demonstration
  • International Yoga day celebrations for doctors and patients, stressing on the holistic approach towards health
  • Patient education pamphlets for counseling regarding common skin diseases distributed in the OPD
  • Patient education posters of common skin diseases displayed in the waiting area of the OPD
  • Patient education video for counseling regarding common skin diseases displayed in the OPD

Patient Feedback

1.Vitiligo patients feedback:
a. I had visited KEM for the treatment of white patch on eyelid in August 2021. Since then, I have been given the best and effective treatment including latest medications, few surgeries wherever required from doctors at KEM. Right now, I am undergoing excimer laser therapy under doctor's supervision. I have got better results in shorter time and my patch has been regaining its color over the period of time.
I am thankful to Dr. Vidya mam, Dr. Prachi mam and rest all doctors of Dermatology Department whom I interacted with during my treatment. Thank you Dermatology Department for giving best, effective treatments as well as necessary support to every patient who visits hospital.
b. KEM Hospital's skin department is exceptional, with a commendable team of doctors. Dr. Vidya, the HOD, stands out for her expertise and compassionate care. A truly remarkable experience overall.

2.Alopecia Areata patient’s parents’ feedback:
I had visited KEM Hospital for the treatment of alopecia areata of my child.She was advised DPCP treatment for the disease.I m very satisfied with the result.There is complete regrowth of hair. Most importantly my child is allowed to attend school now. I am thankful to Dr.Siddhi mam and other doctors of KEM Hospital.As a token of gratitude, I would like to cut a cake with the doctors.

3.Acne Scar patient’s feedback: Skin OPD at kem hospital is one that i have gotten myself treated for my acne scars and it was satisfactory, being one of the busiest hospitals in mumbai they have still managed to treat patients best possible way

4.Dermatosurgery patient feedback:
KEM ke doctor logo ne bahut acchi surgery ki meri...Mujhe safe ddaag ki bimaarihai aur gaonmein bahut takleef hoti thi iskevajah se...yahaanke doctor logon ne mujhe tassali se surgery kebaareymein samjahaya aur bahut acchakaamkiya....maine surgery ke baad 2 maheena light bhiliya aur abhi mera safed daag bilkul chalagaya....mein bahut aabhaarihoon yahankedoctoro ka

5.Indoor patients feedback
While I was admitted at the hospital in dermatology ward, the nurses and the doctors alike were super helpful during the entire time when I was there. It was reassuring that all the staff were super caring and friendly. All my medications were being given on time, and all my daily check up were also done with care. Almost all the amenities and living arrangements were also good.

Courses offered:

  • Postgraduate teaching program- M.D. Course in Dermatology,Venereology and Leprosy for 3 years (after completion of Internship)
  • Undergraduate teaching programme
  • Fellowship in Diagnostic Dermatology  (FIDD)-

(2 students per year)  (MUHS)

  • Observership (1 month) from outside the institution
  • Observership from department of pathology and community medicine posted for 1 week

Annual P.G. Intake :
At present there are  four  post graduate teachers-

  • Dr.Vidya Kharkar -  Professor
  • Dr.Sunanda Mahajan -  Professor
  • Dr.Siddhi Chikhalkar -  Associate Professor
  • Dr.Prachi Gole -  Associate Professor
  • Post Graduate registrations take place once a year.
  • Total of 6 M.Ds . are registered  per year.
  • M.D. Course for 3 years (after completion of Internship)

Student activities 

For Undergraduate students :
3 batches of 15 UG students each for a duration of 2 weeks are posted for skin  department .
Their  lecture schedule is as follows 
9 am to 10 am – 3rd term UG students
10am to 11 am- 5th term UG students
11 am to 12 pm- 7th term UG students

  • Daily OPD Clinics  are taken for UGs where they are shown classic findings of common skin conditions and bedside test
  • Daily lectures including the following topics like  common skin infections, psoriasis,acne,basic skin lesion, vitiligo, immunobullous diseases etc.
  • Followed by term ending exams

For OT/PT students : Lecture series yearly and exams

For Post Graduate  Students :

  • Regular lectures and presentations for PG students.
  • IADVL Clinical Meeting of KEM Hospital is organized annually with over 700 participants (in person and virtual attendees)
  • Active participation of PG students in  State , National and International conferences, quizzes and workshops is encouraged.
  • Postings under District rural program – The 2nd year Junior residents are posted  for 3 months  for their district postings

Teaching schedule/ Academic calendar

For Post graduate students ( OPD and Ward teaching)

  • Daily opd based case learning
  • Daily discussion of difficult and interesting OPD cases and spot cases
  • Daily faculty teaching ward rounds
  • Bedside Clinics: Case presentation on daily rounds .
  • Clinicopathological correlation and discussion of cases

Teaching schedule  of PGs  (Classroom teaching)

  •  Mondays-Seminars 
  • Tuesdays -  Histopathology discussions . Clinicopathologic corelations

On Mondays and Saturdays   by faculty and fellows and on every Tuesday by  Visiting Faculty (Dr. Rajiv Joshi )

  • Wednesdays  - Grand Rounds by Head of the Dept.
  • Thursdays   - Journal Club
  • Fridays    - Case Presentations


Workshops and CME-
Clinical meeting held of Indian association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists, Maharashtra State Branch at K.E.M.Hospital  every year . In this meeting fully worked up interesting Cases and spot cases are presented by post graduate students. Also live spots are kept for active interactions.

Dr.RJ Fernandez Award for the Best Dermatology Resident:
Recipients of Award
2021: Dr. Mayuri Kalantri
2022: Dr. Agni Bose
2023: Dr. Anmol Bhargava

Dr. Vidya Kharkar

  • Won Best Poster Award,  at  International Hair India Conference  
  • Won Best Paper Award at, National IADVL Conference, Jaipur       
  • Won  the Best Poster Award at state conference ‘ Cuticon Maharashtra’ for E- poster. 
  • Won 2nd Prize at Photo Contest Competition at International Hair India Conference
  • Won 2nd Prize in Dermatological Quiz at State level , IADVL, Maharashtra Branch
  • Recipient of Scholarship Award for Mid Dermacon , Kanyakumari
  • Recipient of Woman Achiever  of Seth GS Medical College & KEMH  as a   part of International Womens Day.

Dr.Sunanda Mahajan

  • IJDVL Best image award Dermacon 2020-

“Melanocytic nevus” or is it


  • Best paper mid dermacon 2021
  • 1st prize for paper presentation at Cosdermindia 2019 for the topic ‘quick innovative chemical peel recipe’

Dr. PrachiGole

  • DJ Patil Award for  Best Oral paper  presentation on “Enigmatic Presentations of Hypercoagulable states” in Cuticon 2022.
  • E-poster  award in Dermacon 2020
  • Award for IDOJ best image in clinical practice at Dermacon 2020

Dr.Savera Gupta

  • Winner of IADVL SIG Dermatopathology Image Quiz Activity 2022
  • Winner of IADVL SIG Dermatopathology Quiz-Basic Dermatopathology, 2023
  • Winner of IADVL SIG Dermatopathology Quiz-Pattern Recognition in Dermatopathology, 2023


  • Winner of SODC quiz.
  • ILC scholarship recipient for free paper presentation titled “Histological features of pediatric leprosy in a tertiary care institute” December 2022

Dr.Dipali Rathod

  • Recipient of Rising star Scholarship award for the 24th World Congress of Dermatology- WCD 2019, Milan
  •   Recipient of Imrich Sarkany Non-European Memorial Scholarship, EADV 2020
  •  Recipient of Global Education Award, 2020 by International society of Dermatology
  •  Secured 1st position in the Innovations by Young Turks Session, at CDSI, 25th Annual Congress of Cosmetic Dermatology Society (India), June, 2022
  •   Recipient of the Reciprocal scholarship award, 2023. AAD 2023, New Orleans,  Louisiana, USA.
  •   Recipient of the WCD Rising star scholarship award, 2023. World Congress of Dermatology 2023, Singapore

Dr.Shreya Singh

  • Gold medal in DNB examinations year 2020

Dr. Meghana Rane

  • 1st runner up in Haircon PG Quiz 2022, Indore.
  • Winner of e poster appreciation award e dermacon 2021

Dr.Anmol Bhargava

  • Winner e poster MIDDERMACON 2021
  • 3rd prize IGQNPP quiz in dermatology 2021- Dr Anmol Bhargava &

Dr.Farida Kapadia

  • Dr.RJ Fernandez award for the Best dermatology resident:2023

Dr.Surender Singh

  • Winner e poster MIDDERMACON 2021

Dr. Avani Shah

  • 1st in zonal round (West zone) of Torrent young scholar award 2022
  • 2nd prize in PigmentaryCon Quiz 2022 and 2nd prize in Cosderm India award paper.

Dr. Aparna T

  • Received Gold Medal at AMALA Quiz with a Cash prize of Rs.75000
  • Qualified for Tysa quiz zonal round.
  • MCGM Best Resident Award 2022

Dr Swati Prasanna-

  • Second prize in pigment quiz in Pigmentarycon Mumbai 2022
  • IADVL scholarship in ILC 2022 for oral free paper presentation.
  • Invited as a distinguished speaker at the Global Virology Congress  September 2023 London UK

Dr. SnehalChopade and Dr. PoojaGolwad-

  • 3rd prize in International Leprosy Congress quiz 2022 Hyderabad.

Diagnostic Dermatology set up:
We have a fully functional dermatopathology setup with more than 2500 slides and clinical photos for clinicopathological corelation annually.
The dermatopathology laboratory is equipped with state of the art microscope with 5 viewing heads which serves the purpose of diagnosis and teaching residents and fellows, the slides are projected onto screen for group teaching activities.
We have in-house processing for skin biopsy specimens, various special stains are also available. Meticulous clinical photography and record keeping ensures proper clinicopathological correlation thus contributing to research and publication purposes.
Other diagnostic equipments available in our department include dermoscope (handheld and videodermoscope), Wood’s lamp,facility for bedside tests like Tzanck smear, slit skin smear, gram’s stain, KOH preparation, hair mount preparation, autologous serum skin tests.
Clinicopathologic corelations  sessions are conducted on every Mondays Tuesdays , Thursdays  and Saturdays   by faculty and   fellows so also intensive discussions about difficult slides with our visiting faculty ,Dr.Rajiv Joshi Sir on every Tuesdays



OPD days

Special OPDs /Procedure days

Unit 1


Dr. Vidya Kharkar
Professor & Head)
Dr.Siddhi Chikhalkar
(Associate professor)


Tuesdays Thursdays

Unit 2

Dr. Sunanada Mahajan (Professor &Unit head)
Dr.Prachi Gole
(Associate Professor)

Tuesdays Thursdays


Every year the faculty and Residents  are encouraged to  publish in both National and International Journals. The total publications  by faculty  are about 300 plus .
Also various chapters are contributed in dermatology books 

  • Clinical trial-A Phase 3 multicentre Double Blind study to evaluate the long term safety and efficacy ofBaricitinib in adult patients of atopic dermatitis.
  • A clinico-epidemiological study of Reaction patterns in Leprosy in a tertiary care hospital.
  • A clinico-epidemiological study of dermatoses in adolescents and its          impact on their qualityof life.
  • A clinico-dermoscopic evaluation of facial melasma with screening of           subclinical spread in atertiary care hospital.
  • A clinico-epidemiological study of nail disorders in paediatric population.
  • A clinico-epidemiological study of vascular tumors.
  • A clinic-epidemiological study of Scaly scalp.
  • A study of dermoscopic features of Cutaneous Tuberculosis.
  • A retrospective study of clinicohistopathological and dermoscopic      correlation of DowlingDegos disease in 10 families.
  • A retrospective study of efficacy of diphenylcyclopropenone in recalcitrant           Alopecia areataand its correlation with duration and poor prognostic   factors.
  • A retrospective observational study of clinical and histological variants of dermatofibroma
  • A retrospective cohort study to assess diagnostic utility of skin biopsy at a tertiary care centre in India
  • A retrospective clinicopathologic study of non infective granulomatous dermatoses
  • A multicentric retrospective observational study of safety and efficacy of rituximab in immunobullous conditions
  • A study of histopathological features and its clinical correlation in cutaneous vasculitis
  • A clinicopathological study of oral cavity lesions in a tertiary care centre in western India
  • A cross sectional study on post menopausal dermatoses
  • Clinicoepidemiological and dermoscopic study in patients of periorbital dermatoses ( A single centre cross sectional,observational study)
  • Clinico-Epidemiological Study on different patterns of AGA
  • Clinico-Epidemiological Study of Cutaneous Manifestation in Patients with Tuberculosis
  • Clinico-histopatho-dermoscopic study of Linear dermatoses
  • Clinico-Epidemiological-Histopathological Study of patients in Erythroderma

Participation in various camps in city and outside the city in association with other departments - 10-12/year.
Community level Skin OPD services were provided in the Dr BR Ambedkar Camp  every year in December
Community level Skin OPD services were provided at Malwani Urban Healthcare centre once a week.


Extracurricular Activities
For maintaining work life balance PG students are encouraged to 
participate in sports activities such as inter department and inter college    
cricket matches , marathons ,badminton matches etc
Yoga day is celebrated every year
Celebration of Indian festivals in a traditional manner is done every year
Yearly department educational excursion are planned.

Patient education and awareness posters are made and displayed in the department about common skin conditions and special opdslike: Cosmetology, Vitiligo,Psoriasis,Pediatric skin diseases, Acne, Hair problems ,Leprosy, Dermatosurgery and Lasers

Coming soon ...

Photo Gallery