Committee on Food, Hygiene & Cleanliness(CFHC-KEM H)
Committee of CFHC
- President: Dr.Sangeeta Ravat, The Dean(G&K).
- Secretary- Dr. Ravindra Deokar, Professor(Addl), Forensic Medicine.
- Joint Secretary- Dr. Pavan Sabale, Assistant Professor, Community Medicine
Executive Member
- Dr.Dhangauri Shenvi, Professor & Head Physiology.
- -Deputy Dean(K).
- Dr. Amita Athavle, Professor & Head,Chest Medicine.
- Dr Vinita Puri, Professor & Head, Plastic Surgery.
- Dr. Milind Nadkar, Professor, Medicine(EMS lncharge, Secrelary DDF).
- Dr. Gita Natrajan ,Professor, Microbiology(AlumniAsso.Secretary).
- Dr. Samir Rege, Professor, Surgery.
- Dr. Nitin Dange, Professor(Additional), Neurosurgery.
- Dr. Ravindra Kembhavi. Professor(Additional),Community Medicine.
- Dr.Tushar Rathod ,Associate Professor,Orthopedics.
- Dr. Shwetal Pawar,Assistant Professor, Nuclear Medicine
- Warden- UG Hostels.
- Matron-KEMH.
- Principal, Nursing College, KEMH.
- Mrs.Sankhe, AE (M & E).
- AE Civil.
- AE (M & E) 2.
- J Chief P.O.
- Gymkhana Secretaries
- Cleark T.K. Office (G & K).
- College Main Building-Dr.Dhangauri Shenvi Professor&HeadPhysiology.
- OPO Building and Dean, ODOffice, OD(ll)- Deputy Dean (K)
- CVTC Building- Dr.Amita Alhavale Professor & Head Chest Medicine.
- Gynaec Building-Dr.Vinita Puri Professor & Head Plastic Surgery.
- Casualty Building.- Dr.Milind Nadkar Professor Medicine(EMSlncharge).
- New Hospital Building-Dr.Gita Nalraj Professor Microbiology.
- Mortuary Complex, Blood Blank & Skin Ward, Ward19,etc-Faculty, Forensic Medicine.
- Orthopedic Complex- Dr. Tushar Rathod, Associate Professor, Orthopedics.
- LibraryBuilding-Dr. Pavan Sabale, Associate Professor, Community Medicine.
- All UG Hostels- Warden, UG Hostels.
- All PG Hostels- Dr. Dhangauri Shenvi, Professor & Head Physiology; Dr. Ravindra Deokar Additional Professor, Forensic Medicine.
- All Staff Quarters– J Chief PO.
- All canteens- Dr. Nitin Dange, Dr. Ravindra Deokar, Dr. Tushar Rathod,Matron KEMH , AE Civil, AE (M&E).
- GSMC grounds & Lawns, Open spaces- Dr. Ravindra Deokar(Garden In-charge), AE Civil, AE (M&E), Gymkhana Secretaries, and All.
Cleanliness Programs:
- CFHC-KEMH- Plantation Drive on 15th Aug 2023
- Plantation on 01.01.2022 in the hands of New Dean (K) – Dr. Sangeeta Ravat Madam at Seth GSMC.
- Plantation on 20th August 2021- KEMH.
- Plantation at KEMH on World Environmental Day 2021.
- Cricket match inauguration by Dean Sir.
- Cricket match inauguration video 1
- Cricket match inauguration video 2
- Cricket match inauguration video 3
- Plantation on New Year in the Hands of Hon. Dean Sir.
- Plantation at GSMC college Garden at Gate no. 1 on Doctor’s Day in the hands of Hon. Dean Sir. (01.07.2020)
- Welcome of new Dean(K) with PLANTATION……on 01.11.2018.New DEAN DR Hemant Deshmukh started his first day with PLANTATION in KEMH.
- Plantation in the hands of Senior Police Inspector- Bhoiwada on 02.07.2020 at OBGY BUILDING GARDEN
- Plantation on 02.07.2020
- Swachhata Hi Seva जनजागृती अभियान 27.09.2018 to 02.10.2018 Co-Ordinate by CHFC
Green initiatives under CFHC-KEMH: Development.
Green KEM
initiative today @08:00 am(29.11.17) in front of Library building, KEMH.
PLANTATION AT ROUND GARDEN AT KEMH GATE NO. 04… the hands of Hon. Director Sir…..(20.11.2017)….CLEAN KEM
We had conducted a *cleanliness drive at KEMH CAMPUS* in collaboration with A team of Central Excise Department including Assistant Commissioner, Central Excise Department on *28.09.2017 at 10:45 am* starting from Gate no. 01 of GSMC & KEMH.
Now, under *Cleanliness Awareness Drive* we are arranging a Role play by nursing students on *Cleanliness-Need of hour*
on *26.10.2017 at 11:00 am* in front of Central Canteen, KEMH under guidance and supervision of Mrs. Pradnya Nachankar, Principal, Nursing College, KEMH & Team under CFHC-KEMH.
1. Nursing College, KEMH.
2. Nursing College, Hinduja Hospital.
All requested to come.
Go ‘Clean’: Nursing Students perform a street play
Besides cleanliness drive at respective departments under supervision of the Cleanliness Officers and vigilant facilitation by Vigilance officers under CFHC-KEMH,
we had conducted a *cleanliness drive at KEMH CAMPUS* in collaboration with A team of Central Excise Department including Assistant Commissioner, Central Excise Department.
on *28.09.2017 at 10:45 am* starting from Gate no. 01 of GSMC & KEMH.
Cleanliness drive started at KEMH by Dr A N Supe, DIRECTOR & DEAN, KEMH