Department of Microbiology
Vision Statement :
“State of the art clinical microbiology laboratory with latest technology, equipment and qualified manpower to meet with the clinicians need for accurate and timely confirmation of presumptive clinical diagnosis.”
This department was established in the year 1978. The journey subsequently has strived to balance an efficient output with advancing technology. The department has a molecular diagnostic laboratory and since the last two years is providing Xpert based rapid diagnosis of TB and drug resistant TB. It has also procured BACTEC and VITEK 2 systems for blood culture and MIC. Xpert and Vitek have been procured through a donor. Currently, it is an NABL accredited laboratory for all the tests offered.

For Student
- Courses Offered
M.D – Microbiology (Six registrations a year) Affiliated to MUHS, Nashik, MCI recognised
Lecture on Rubella,Rota and Corona viruses