Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Background History
With the formal inauguration of the Department of the Pharmacology in 1926, a new approach to the teaching of the old subject of drugs, was adopted and Pharmacology which was a mere Materia Medica transformed into a discipline wherein experimental studies to evaluate the effects of drugs were conducted. The teaching of the subject also underwent a change and was accompanied by practical demonstrations that helped improve the understanding of the action of various drugs. Within the next two decades the foundation was laid for conducting experimental research utilizing the available equipment and clinical research by collaborating with not only the other departments of the hospital but also with other Institutions.
With the passage of time, the Department has kept pace with the developments both in the field of Clinical Pharmacology as well as Ayurveda. It has instituted innovations in teaching, which include introduction of computer aided teaching methods, clinical pharmacy and P-drug concept with emphasis on the procedure for selection of drugs. Small group discussions are now problem oriented. Practicals involve case –based discussions and skill training using mannequins. The department also excels in research. The services offered by the Department benefit not just the institutional staff members but also the lay people by way of increasing awareness and educating them about, both herbal as well as modern drugs.
The goals of the Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics at Seth G.S. Medical College and K.E.M. Hospital are to:
- To educate the undergraduate and postgraduate medical, paramedical and science students to apply basic principles of pharmacology and therapeutics to practice rational use of drugs
- To facilitate basic and applied research that significantly advances current pharmacological knowledge.
- To provide academic services and patient care facilities
Sustained high quality research is enhanced in an environment that supports vigorous programs of undergraduate and postgraduates training so that there is increased understanding of the basic mechanisms underlying drug action.
To accomplish these goals the department has outlined specific objectives for both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching
Objectives for Undergraduate Teaching
1. Knowledge
At the end of the course, the student shall be able to –
- explain the concept of rational drug therapy in clinical pharmacology
- explain pharmacological basis of prescribing drugs in special medical situations such as pregnancy, lactation, infancy and old age
- classify environmental and occupational pollutants and state the management issues
- integrate the list the drugs of addiction and recommend the management
- describe the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of essential and commonly used drugs
- list the indications, contraindications, interactions and adverse reactions of commonly used drugs
- indicate the use of appropriate drug in a particular disease with consideration of its cost, efficacy and safety for – individual needs, and mass therapy under national health programmes
- describe the pharmacokinetic basis, clinical presentation, diagnosis and management of common poisonings
- state the principles underlying the concept of `Essential Drugs’
- evaluate the ethics and modalities involved in the development and introduction of new drugs
- Acquire practical knowledge of rational use of drugs in clinical practice through integrated teaching
2. Skills
At the end of the course, the student shall be able to –
- prescribe drugs for common ailments
- identify adverse reactions and interactions of commonly used drugs
- interpret the data of experiments designed for the study of effects of drugs and bioassays which are observed during the study
- scan information on common pharmaceutical preparations and critically evaluate drug formulations
- be well-conversant with the principles of pharmacy and dispense the medications giving proper instructions
Objectives for Postgraduate Teaching
At the end of course in Pharmacology and Therapeutics, the trained specialist shall be able to
1. Cognitive domain:
- Apply basic principles of pharmacology and therapeutics to practice rational use of existing drugs and evaluation of new drugs.
- Collect and analyse experimental and clinical data related to drug kinetics or dynamics.
- Interpret the analyzed data with reasonable accuracy and derive logical conclusions.
- Provide appropriate advice related to selection of drug, drug usage (desirable and undesirable effects, Kinetics, interactions), Precautions and measures to be taken during administration of drug and treating the ADRs in a given patient taking into consideration physiological, psychological & Pathological features.
- Audit drug utilization and drug related adverse events.
- Assess emergency situations while carrying out drug trials and institute emergency management till appropriate assistance from clinical side is available.
- Develop the ability for continued self learning so as to update the knowledge of recent advances in the field of Pharmacology and allied fields.
- Be competent to teach and train undergraduate and future postgraduate medical students and junior doctors in Pharmacology and Therapeutics as well as nurses and paramedical staff in Medical Colleges, Institutions and other Hospitals.
- Plan and carry out both laboratory and clinical research with adherence to scientific methodology and GLP/GCP guidelines.
- Be aware of legal and ethical aspects of drug evaluation.
- Communicate the findings, results and conclusions of scientific research, both verbally and in writings.
- Be aware of regulatory procedures needed to be carried out prior to the marketing of a new drug in India.
2. Psychomotor domain:
- Perform common experimental techniques required for evaluation of new drug with competence.
- Perform common clinical procedures required for evaluation of drug in normal volunteers and patients with competence.
- Organize and manage administrative responsibilities for routine day to day work as well as new situations.
- Carry out necessary resuscitative measures in emergency situations arising during drug evaluation.
- Use teaching-learning media effectively.
3. Affective domain:
- Appreciate socio-psychological, cultural and environmental factors affecting health and drug usage.
- Appreciate the importance and implementation of National health programmes in context to rational drug utilization.
- Be aware of the importance of cost-effectiveness in patient management.
- Be aware of service activities which a pharmacologist can undertake viz. therapeutic drug monitoring, ADR monitoring, drug information services, poison control centre, drug auditing etc.
- Adopt ethical principles while conducting experimental and human research.
- Develop communication skills to interact with patients, peers and paramedical staff.
- Realize the importance of team work.
- Develop attitudes required for professional responsibilities.
The department conducts following teaching and learning activities in the subject of pharmacology for undergraduate students:
Academic activities for Undergraduate students
In compliance with the syllabus laid down for the subject by MUHS, the department runs theory and practical programs.
The theory comprises of large group interactive lectures, symposia and small group teaching in the form of tutorials. Practicals are conducted in the form of demonstrations, simulated videos and case studies.
- E-learning Activities for UG Students
The department of pharmacology & therapeutics, in addition to academic teaching learning program conducts various online teaching learning activities for the students every year. These activities are in the form of online e-tests (followed by classroom discussion of the same), online videos uploaded for the practical demonstrations of drug administration (e.g. steps in parenteral injections and metered dose inhaler use), and ADR cases emailed to students for filling ADR reporting forms.
- Other academic and recreational activities for UG students
In this era of competition, medical students constantly need to keep themselves updated with medical knowledge as well as with the happenings around them. There is need to nurture self-learning skills in students, so that they become lifelong learners. There is growing evidence that those who take initiative in learning learn more deeply & permanently than those who don’t. Keeping this in mind, the department has initiated following activities:
- Sounding Board: Pharmacology related resource material in the form of case studies, diagrams, tables, crosswords, flow charts, short & long articles is displayed on this board. The material to be displayed is selected based on the syllabus covered during the regular classes. Pertinent topics related to the current advances in medicine and research are also put on view.
- Wallpaper: Non-scientific literary material like poems, cartoons, jokes, quotes, philosophy, hand-made original portraits, short & long articles are displayed on this board. Many a times this material is in local languages. It serves as a platform for creativity and stimulates the reader to look beyond the curriculum on paper into real world!
The articles are contributed by faculty members & post graduate students of the department. Faculty members of other disciplines also contribute occasionally. The material displayed is changed every fortnight.
- Student’s Corner: As the above activities have received a positive response from a wide variety of readers including II MBBS students, the department has decided to initiate another activity entitled ‘Students’ Corner’ from this year onwards. The undergraduate students will contribute to this activity. They will display material related to the subject- Pharmacology, which they think would be interesting and beneficial to their friends & batch mates. The students can use any format viz. short articles, cross words, flow charts, diagrams, mnemonics, case studies, match the columns, MCQs, collage etc. But mere copying of text book or downloading from the internet will not be allowed. The students are free to use their own creativity & try innovative ways of communication. They can also express their opinion about the curriculum.
- Research: The Department of Pharmacology also organizes training sessions in basic and clinical research for postgraduate students of Ayurveda and students from other universities. Hands on experience is also provided to select graduate students with science background (biotechnology chemistry, microbiology, botany, zoology, pharmacy, nutrition) pursuing their future studies.
The Department is also engaged in imparting training to aspiring undergraduate (MBBS) students in research methodologies by encouraging them under government research schemes like Indian Council of Medical research – Short Term Studentship (ICMR-STS).
Academic activities for Postgraduate Students
The department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics has developed a 3 year PG training program in experimental and clinical pharmacology and research with inbuilt formative assessment and provision of constructive feedback to the students. The program includes 9 months of rotational postings in various laboratories of the department over a span of 3 years. The details are: 6 months rotational postings in Experimental Pharmacology Laboratory, Neuropsychopharmacology Laboratory, Centre for Animal Studies, Ayurveda Research Centre, Ayurveda Ward and Institutional Ethics Committee in first year; 1 ½ months rotational posting in Experimental Laboratory, Neuropsychopharmacology Laboratory, Centre for Animal Studies and Ayurveda Research Centre in second and third year. Their academic progress is evaluated in mid post and post ending exam in each rotational posting
The postgraduate educational activities include postgraduate seminars, journal clubs and putting relevant articles on sounding board. In addition during second year they are posted in Dept. of Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical industry and allied clinical branches such as gastroenterology. Their theoretical knowledge is assessed by taking multiple oral viva-voce examination on general and systemic pharmacology (n=9 in first year, n=5 in second year n=2 in third year) and yearly written examinations. PG students are also involved in research activities in the form of thesis work as well as other experimental and clinical studies.
Sections Units Branches
The unit of Ayurveda Research Center is under the supervision of Dr. N.N. Rege and assisted by Dr. Dinesh Uchil and faculty members.
The department has 2 professors, 2 additional professors, 5 associate professors and 4 assistant professors. The strength of the supportive and administrative staff is 41. In addition, we have Ayurvedic doctors, research associates and technicians appointed on various research projects. At present, total 39 postgraduate students are pursuing their studies in the department for the following courses – 30 MD (Pharmacology), 1 PhD (Pharmacology), 7 PhD (Applied Biology) and 1 MSc (Applied Biology).The faculty in the department have diverse research interests as given below which facilitates a stimulating environment for students and other trainees to expand their knowledge base and develop interdisciplinary research skills.
Professor and Head
Dr. (Mrs.) Sandhya K. Kamat
M.D. (Pharmacology)
Recognized Postgraduate teacher: M.D. (Pharmacology)
Teaching experience: Undergraduate – 32 yrs, Postgraduate – 20 yrs.
Departmental activities: Undergraduate and Postgraduate teaching programmes
Other institutional activities:
Member Secretary, Animal Ethics Committee
Member, Medical humanities Cell
Member, Academic Committee
Member, Project Initiation, Implementation and Management Committee for Multidisciplinary Research Unit
Vice President, Reading Room & Debating Department
Main areas of interests: Cardiovascular and platelet pharmacology, Phytopharmacology. Ethical aspects of research. Rational use of medicines.
Email id:,
Professor Emeritus
Dr. (Mrs.) Nirmala N. Rege
M.D., D.N.B. (Clinical Pharmacology), PhD. (Pharmacology)
Recognized Postgraduate teacher: M.D. (Pharmacology), PhD (Pharmacology), M.Sc. & PhD. (Applied Biology)
Teaching experience: Undergraduate – 36 yrs, Postgraduate – 24 yrs.
Departmental activities: Research programmes of the Department, Ayurveda Research Centre administration
Other institutional activities:
Trustee, Diamond Jubilee Society Trust
Treasurer, GOSUMEC Alumni Association
Secretary, Academic Committee
Coordinator and Professor, Department of Medical Education
Co-Convenor, FIME, GSMC-KEMH MCI Nodal Centre for Faculty Development
Co-director, Regional GSMC-FAIMER institute
Nodal officer, Multidisciplinary Research Unit
Member, Animal Ethics Committee
Member, Poor Box Charity fund Committee
Main areas of interests: Phytopharmacology, Ayurveda, Hepatoprotection, Gastrointestinal pharmacology, Rational use of drugs, Medical education, Currently Working as Professor in Era Medical College,Lucknow
Email id:,
Additional Professors
Dr. (Mrs.) Padmaja A. Marathe
M.D. (Pharmacology)
Recognized Postgraduate teacher: M.D. (Pharmacology)
Teaching experience: Undergraduate – 25 yrs, Postgraduate – 14 yrs.
Departmental activities: Neuropharmacology laboratory administration, Post-graduate Teaching InCharge
Institutional activities:
Treasurer, Department Development Fund
Member, Hospital Infection Committee,
Other Institution Affiliations:
Member, Nowrosjee Wadia Maternity Hospital Ethics Committee
Chairperson-BJ Wadia hospital for children ethics committee,
Chairperson-BARC Hospital-medical ethics committee,
Member-TATA Hospital Mumbai-Ethics committee
Main areas of interests: Phytopharmacology, Ethics and Clinical research, Neuropharmacology, Preclinical toxicity and safety studies, Rational use of drugs, Medical Writing
Email id:
Dr. Shirish S. Joshi
M.D. (Pharmacology), P.G.D.C.R.
Recognized Postgraduate teacher: M.D. (Pharmacology)
Total Teaching experience: Undergraduate – 25 yrs, Postgraduate – 13 yrs.
Departmental activities: Experimental Laboratory administration, InCharge of UG Teaching, InCharge of Theatre 2
Institutional activities:
Ex-Associate editor of JPGM,
Member of Transplant Authorization committee of Seth Gsmc and KEMH
Vice President, Basketball & Volleyball
Ex-Assistant editor of JPGM (2012-16)
Joint Member Secretary of EC-II
Main areas of interests: Gastrointestinal pharmacology, Cardiovascular pharmacology, Pre-clinical studies and Clinical Research.
Email id:
Associate Professors
Dr. (Ms.) Raakhi K. Tripathi
M.D. (Pharmacology)
Recognized Postgraduate teacher: M.D. (Pharmacology)
Total Teaching experience: Undergraduate – 24 yrs, Postgraduate – 15 yrs
Departmental activities: Pharmacology Research laboratories, Ayurveda OPD and Ward 24 administration,
Member Secretary-IEC-1,of Seth GSMC And KEMH
Institutional activities:
Member of Medical Education department Member of Institute curriculum committee Ex member of Institutional Ethics Committee (2013-2014)
Ex member of Staff Society of Seth GSMC & KEMH (2010-2014)
Ex member of executive committee of research Society ( 2015 to 2018)
Main areas of interests: Ethics in Clinical research, Rational use of drugs, Cardiovascular pharmacology, Phytopharmacology, Ayurveda.
Email id:
Dr. (Mrs.) Shruti S. Bhide
M.D. (Pharmacology)
Recognized Postgraduate teacher: M.D. (Pharmacology)
Total Teaching experience: Undergraduate – 24 yrs, Postgraduate – 15 yrs
Departmental activities:
Assitant Incharge of Experimental Lab
Institutional affiliations:
Member Secretary -Institutional Animal Ethics Committee
Member Research Society
Main areas of interests: Regulatory Ethics, Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Neuropharmacology, Clinical research,Endocrine
Main areas of interests: Regulatory Ethics, Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Neuropharmacology, Clinical research
Email id:
Dr. Dnyaneshwar G. Kurle
M.D. (Pharmacology), D.M.M.
Recognized Postgraduate teacher: M.D. (Pharmacology)
Teaching experience: Undergraduate – 17 yrs, Postgraduate – 9 yrs
Departmental activities:
Neuropharmacology Laboratory, Computer & Internet, e-learning
Institutional activities:
Incharge, Telemedicine Department
Vice President, Gymkhana (Lawn Tennis)
Mentor Student Teacher Dosti Programme
Ex-Vice President, Aavishkaar (2014-2020),
Ex-Joint Secretary, Gosumec Alumni Association (2020-20220
Ex-Member, Gosumec Alumni Association (2016-2020)
Ex-Member, Website committee (2011-2019)
Ex-Nodal officer, MCI – Digital Mission Mode Project (2016-2019)
Ex-Nodal officer, Postgraduate Admissions (2011-2019)
Ex-Nodal officer, Webquiz (2015-2018)
Other Institutional Affiliations:
Ex-Member, Animal Ethics Committee, LTMMC (2014-2020)
Main areas of interests:
Neuropharmacology, Experimental Pharmacology, Ethics in animal experiments, Medical education
Email id:
Dr. (Mrs.) Sharmila V. Jalgaonkar
M.D. (Pharmacology), D.B.M.
Recognized Postgraduate teacher: M.D. (Pharmacology)
Teaching experience: Undergraduate – 19 yrs, Postgraduate – 9 yrs
Departmental activities: Animal House InCharge
Institutional activities:
Assistant Editor JPGM
Main areas of interests: Cardiovascular and platelet pharmacology, Animal Research,CNS,GIT
Email id:
Dr. (Mrs.) Yashashri C. Shetty
M.D. (Pharmacology), D.B.M.
Recognized Postgraduate teacher: M.D. (Pharmacology),
Teaching experience: Undergraduate – 20 yrs, Postgraduate – 14 yrs.
Departmental activities: Undergraduate and Postgraduate administration, Organising Secretary for conducting & training State level PharmaQuiz
Institutional activities:
SAC-ACCP, Executive committee member
FERCI,Executive committee member
ISCR,Executive committee member
Steering committee member Bioethics Unit of KEMH
Vice President, Gosumag
Member of Gymkhana Committee
Other institutional Affiliations:
Chairperson of Podar Ayurvedic college Sion,Mumbai
Chairperson of Bombay Hospital
Chairperson of Yoga institute Ethics committee,Santacruz
Advisory board of MGM Hospital Board of studies,New Mumbai
Chairperson of FMREC( Foundation of Medical Research Ethics Committee)
Main areas of interests: Ethics and Clinical Research, Rational Use of Drugs, Research in neuropharmacology and Ayurveda, Clinical trials in Biologicals
Email id:
Assistant Professors
Dr. Urwashi I. Parmar
M.D. (Pharmacology)
Teaching experience: Undergraduate – 12 yrs, Postgraduate – 5 yrs.
Departmental activities: OT, PT, Nursing & BPMT teaching programmes, Students’ corner, Sounding board, Wall paper & Museum
Other institutional activities: Assistant editor JPGM, Vice President Athletics and Aquatics Gymnasium
Main areas of interests: Clinical research, teaching
Email id:,
Assistant Professors (Contractual)
Senior Residents
Dr. Amitrajit Pal
Dr. Rajmohan Seetharaman
Dr. Vignesh ST
Postgraduate MD Students
Dr. Divakar Almad
Dr. Harshitha Havaldar
Dr. Amitoj Sohal
Dr. Vijaya Dhaarani S
Dr. Sujeet Krishna Bhilwade
Dr. Ajinkya Durgesh Parhe
Dr. Ankita Santosh Kulkarni
Dr. Pooja Ravindra Redkar
Dr. Komal Gorakshanath Kurhade
Dr. Pranali Vasant Puradkar
Dr. Soham Sinha
Dr. Vrushali Navale
Dr. Simran Khatri
Dr. Sharika Pratap Pillay
Dr. K. Vinoodh Kumar
Dr. Mudra Yogeshbhai Patel
Dr. Sanket Raosaheb Gaikwad
Dr. Ajinkya Manish Bavlecha
Dr. Madhuri Tanaji Doke
Dr. Manoj Deelip Shingare
I Year Postgraduate MD Students
Dr. Jagriti Zha
Dr. Jay Maradia
Dr. Kishore Patil
Dr. Sanjeed.A
Dr. Abhilash Saravanan
Dr. Ajay Gattani
Dr. Laxmi Hotkar
Dr. Achal Sukhdeve
Dr. Rhea Claire Monteiro
Non teaching staff
The various activities are carried out with the help of non-teaching staff from various cadres.
Facilities, Equipments & Special services
The department including Ayurveda Research Centre has laboratories wherein educational activities, experimental and clinical research on plants and synthetic compounds is carried out.
The laboratories include
- Experimental Pharmacology
- Clinical Pharmacology & Pharmacy
- Neuropsychopharmacology Laboratory
- Clinical Chemistry
- Tissue Culture Laboratory
- Biochemical Pharmacology and Immunoassay
- Host Defense Laboratory
- Drug Assay Laboratory
The department also looks after the Centre for Animal studies of the Institutions.
Using the available facilities, following activities are carried out:
- Undergraduate & Postgraduate Education
- Experimental screening of synthetic and plant drugs for safety and pharmacological effect
- Clinical studies
- Drug Information Service
- Promotion of rational use of drugs
The Department collaborates with other basic, speciality and superspeciality Departments in K.E.M. Hospital. It also interacts closely with Institutes like
- Bharti Vidyapeeth College of Pharmacy, Mumbai
- Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai
- Department of Life Sciences, University of Mumbai
- Medical Research Centre Kasturba Health Society
- Haffkine Institute
Highlights and Achievements
The training programme offered by the Department is of the highest standards. This is corroborated by its Undergraduate and Postgraduate academic record and the fact that all the Postgraduate students, who have completed their training from the Department, are currently well placed in their careers, either in academics or in the Pharmaceutical Industry.
In terms of research too, the achievements of the Department are mirrored by its research publications in various acclaimed journals, both International and National and by the various books that have been published by its staff members.
It has been a pioneer department in setting up an Ayurveda Research Centre and has been able to deliver to the market a standardized, whole extract of an immunostimulant plant.
Workshops Conducted (2011 onwards)
- GCP workshop conducted at Bombay Hospital and Medical Research Centre by Dr. Yashashri Shetty on 10th February 2018.
- Research Methodology and Biostatistics Workshop was conducted at RA Podar Medical (Ayu) College, Worli, 20th – 22nd February 2018
- Padmaja Marathe organised a workshop, ‘Principles of Bioethics : Benefit and Harm, Research Ethics, Empathy’, under the aegis of Bioethics Unit of the institution for Second MBBS, Second OT and Second PT students on 16th March 2018.
- Research methodology workshop was organized by the department at Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, for postgraduate students of the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics from 9th -11th July 2018.
- GCP workshop organized by the department at Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, for postgraduate students of the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics on 12th July 2018.
- Research methodology workshop organized by the department for postgraduate students at MGM Dental College, Kamothe from 6th -8th of August 2018.
- Research methodology workshop organized by the department for postgraduate students of Terna Dental College from 25th – 27th September 2018.
- Research Methodology and Biostatistics Workshop was conducted at RA Podar Medical (Ayu) College, Worli, 19th – 21st December 2018
- Organized 9th National level workshop for postgraduates of Pharmacology “PHARMATECH 2017- Frontiers in Pharmacology” at Seth G. S. Medical College & KEM Hospital, Mumbai from 8th -17th February, 2017. 105 participants from all over India attended the same.
- The faculty members conducted 3 day workshops on Research Methodology & Biostatistics at Terna Dental College, Navi Mumbai, MGM Dental College, Navi Mumbai, KJ Somaiya School of Physiotherapy College, Mumbai and Bombay Hospital Nursing College, Mumbai. They were also invited as guest faculty at various institutions to conduct sessions in Research Methodology workshops.
- Faculty conducted 6 GCP training workshops in the year 2017.
- UK Sheth Oration, “ Current and Future Therapies for Hepatitis B” was delivered by, Dr. Shiv Sarin, Director, Liver Institute, New Delhi, 20th January, 2016.
- Three day workshops on “Research Methodology & Biostatistics” approved by MUHS were conducted by the Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics for faculty and postgraduate residents of Seth GS Medical College & KEM Hospital,Mumbai (3rd -5th July), Terna Dental College, Navi Mumbai (28-30, November, 2017), MGM Dental College, Navi Mumbai, (8-10 August, 2017), KJ Somaiya School of Physiotherapy College, Mumbai (12th -14th , December, 2017) and Bombay Hospital nursing college (25th to 27th September 2017).
- GCP workshops were conducted at Government Medical College, Akola ( 26th March by Dr. Yashashri Shetty, Dr. Raakhi Tripathi and Dr. Padmaja Marathe) Bombay Hospital, Mumbai (17th June by Dr. Yashashri Shetty and Dr. Raakhi Tripathi), Seth GS Medical College & KEM Hospital, Mumbai (6th – 7Th July, by all the faculty members), Bombay Hospital, Indore (12th August by Dr. Sandhya Kamat, Dr. Padmaja Marathe and Dr. Raakhi Tripathi), Latur (1st September by Dr. Yashshri Shetty and Dr. Sharmila Jalgoankar) and Masina Hospital, Mumbai (5th August 2017 by Dr. Raakhi Tripathi and Dr. Snehlata Gajbhiye).
- Department contributed to the organization of 9th Annual Conference on Clinical Pharmacology and its preconference workshops ( 28th April-1st May, 2017) by South Asian Chapter of American College of Clinical Pharmacology. The theme was “Clinical Pharmacology For Healthy Ageing”.
- Pre-conference workshop entitled ‘Rasayana: Concepts and Prospects’ as a part of the conference Tadvidya Sambhasha, Mumbai on 6th November 2017.
- Interactive sessions on ‘Organ donation” by Dr. SK Mathur were organized for UG students from 23rd -25th January 2017
- Guest lecture on “Career option/s for medico in Navy” by Surg Vice Admiral (Dr) AA Pawar, VSM for UG students and interns on 14th Feb 2017.
- Guest lecture by Dr Sanjay Pandya, Nephrologist from Rajkot on “Fluid, electrolytes and acid base disorders” on 30th March 2017 for faculty and postgraduate students
- Seminar on WHO Analgesic Ladder by Dr. Nandini Vallth on 3rd August 2017 for faculty and postgraduate students of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology
- Research methodology workshops approved by MUHS were conducted by Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics for faculty and postgraduate residents of MGM Dental College, Navi Mumbai (22 – 24 August 2016) and Terna Dental College, Navi Mumbai (27 – 29 September 2016)
- GCP workshop at Dr Ulhas Patil Medical college and Hospital, Jalgaon on 25th February 2016.
- International Clinical Trials Day Event on behalf of the Department ISCR conducted by the Indian Society for Clinical Research-Panel discussion on ‘Protecting the Rights of Patients in Clinical Research’ on 20th May 2016.
- Number of special events of Bioethics unit in addition to undergraduate students bioethics workshops as Head of the Bioethics Steering Committee (a) Ebate (Debate Competition on Bioethics for students) on 16th September 2016, (b) Guest Lecture on “Doctors without Borders” on 19th September, (c) World Bioethics day Event Celebrations, Poster competition, Panel discussion on19th October 2016.
- Intercollegiate Pharmacology Quiz 2016 – Mumbai ZONE on 7th Sept 2016 Sponsored by ALKEM Laboratories LTD at Seth GSMC & KEM Hospital.
- South Asian Chapter of American College of Clinical Pharmacology 9th Annual Conference on Clinical Pharmacology in Maternal and Child Care from 28rd -30th April 2016, Mumbai. (India) Venue: Nehru Centre, Dr Annie Besant Rd, Worli, Mumbai, MH 400018
- 8th National level workshop for postgraduates of Pharmacology “PHARMATECH 2015- Frontiers in Pharmacology” at Seth G. S. Medical College & KEM Hospital, Mumbai on 1st–10th March, 2015. 100 participants from all over India attended the same.
- Silver Jubilee Celebration of Ayurveda Research Centre, in collaboration with MUHS, which included a half day workshop (first of its kind) for postgraduate students of Ayurveda on career guidance entitled “Avenues ahead” and a panel discussion on “ Developing Collaborative Culture” for postgraduates of both, Pharmacology and Ayurveda.
- Research Methodology & Biostatistics at Terna Dental College, Navi Mumbai,KJ Somaiya Medical College, Mumbai, MGM Dental College, Navi Mumbai and Hinduja Nursing College. They were also invited as guest faculty at various institutions to conduct sessions in Research Methodology workshops.
- Research Methodology & Biostatistics at KJ Somaiya Medical College (15 to 17th January 2014), All India Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (4 to 6th February 2014), MGM Dental College, Navi Mumbai (12 to 14th August 2014) and College of Physiotherapy, KJ Somaiya Hospital (26 to 28th November 2014). They were also invited as guest faculty at various institutions to conduct sessions in Research Methodology workshops.
- Biostatistics Workshop for staff members of CLAIMS Pvt. Ltd., a Research Organisation, Andheri on 15th December 2013.
- 7th National level workshop for postgraduates of Pharmacology “PHARMATECH 2013- Drug Development: Opportunities & Challenges” at Seth G. S. Medical College & KEM Hospital, Mumbai on 1st –10th April, 2013. 113 participants from all over India attended the same.
- Research Methodology & Biostatistics at MGM Dental College, Navi Mumbai (12th -14th August 2013) and Terna Dental College, Navi Mumbai ( 25th -27th November 2013). They were also invited as guest faculty at various institutions to conduct sessions in Research Methodology workshops.
- “GCP Workshop” for Ethics Committee Members of CLAIMS, a Research Organisation, Andheri on 10th October 2013.
- Research Methodology & Biostatistics for various institutes including Nair Dental College and Hospital, R.A. Podar Medical College (Ayurveda), MGM Dental College, Bombay Hospital College of Nursing.
- PHARMATECH 2011, a national workshop for postgraduates in pharmacology was organized at Seth G.S. Medical College and K.E.M. Hospital, from 22nd to 31st March 2011.
- Experimental Pharmacology Techniques and Models for Phyto-efficacy and Safety demonstrations in the ICMR Workshop for Training in Reverse Pharmacology (held from 26th March-9th April, 2011) by ICMR Advanced Centre of Reverse Pharmacology in Traditional Medicine, MRC-Kasturba Health Society on 2nd April, 2011.
- “Basics of GCP” at SITEC Labs, Navi Mumbai, on16th March & 11th April 2011(Organizing secretary: Dr Raakhi Tripathi).
- “Clinical Research Methodologies including Ethical Aspects” for Faculty & residents of Department of Gynecology & Obstetrics, Seth GSMC & KEM Hospital, on 4th & 7th Oct 2011(Organizing secretary: Dr Yashashree Shetty).
- “Research Methodology & Biostatistics” at Terna Dental College & Hospital, Navi Mumbai, 21-23 November 2011(Organizing secretaries: Dr NN rege and Dr Raakhi Tripathi).
- “Research Methodology & Biostatistics” at PD Hinduja College of Nursing, Andheri, 13-15 December 2011(Organizing secretaries: Dr NN Rege and Dr Raakhi Tripathi).
Awards and Honors (2011 onwards)
- B Unvas prize as for the best published paper to Gajbhiye SV, Tripathi RK, Salve BA, Petare AU, Potey AV for ‘Evaluation of effect of minocycline on rewarding potential and alcohol relapse in place preference model in mice.’ Neuroscience Letters. 2017; 649: 28–33.
- G.B. Parulkar prize to Khatri NP, Tripathi RK, Petare AU, Vaidya PH for 1st prize in Clinical poster session for the poster ‘Sample size and sampling considerations in published clinical research articles’ at 11th international Annual conference of SAC-ACCP 2018 on 1st May 2018 at Mumbai.
- Team of II MBBS students of Seth GSMC & KEMH, August 2016 batch won the trophy for “ A. S. Paranjpe Pharmacology Intercollegiate Quiz”, organized on 6th September 2017 at Seth GS Medical College & KEM Hospital, Mumbai.
- Dr Ashok Vaidya award (second prize ) to Shetty YC, Singh K, Koli PG, Ingawale S , Bhatia S for “A study of Prescriptions and Adverse Events in Patients receiving Prokinetic Agents in the Out-Patient Departments (O.P.D.) of a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital” presented by Dr Kritarth Singh at SAC-ACCP conference, Mumbai 2017 on 1st May 2017
- First prize to Dr. Vetri Babu, Dr. Shruti Bhide, Dr. Anirudha Potey, Dr. Hemant Kanase, Dr. Firoz Tadavi for e-poster, ’Compliance of observational studies published in Indian journals to STROBE statement.’ presented at the 204th scientific meeting of Staff Society, Seth GSMC on 20th November 2017.
- ICMR STS studentship award to Ms. Priyashree Desai, undergraduate III MBBS student for Use of topical steroids in Dermatology: A questionnaire based study under the mentorship of Dr. Padmaja Marathe for the year 2017
- Raakhi Tripathi and Dr. Yashashri Shetty were invited by ICMR for drafting National Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical and Health Research involving Human Participants 2017.
- Dr. Yashashri Shetty was invited as International surveyor for FERCAP-SIDCER accreditation at NIRRH , Mumbai from 12th -14th September 2017
- Dr Yashashri Shetty has been appointed as Steering committee member of FERCI, India
- Shirish Joshi has been approved as accredited speaker of Maharashtra Medical Council
- Vaidya PH, Kamat SK, Shetty YC, Singh KNM. Is coercion involved in medical student’s Participation in research studies? Kritarth presented the paper at 195th Staff society e-poster presentation on 24th feb 2016 at Seth GSMC & KEM H and secured first place .
- Shetty YC, Bagle T, Marathe PA, Bodade A , Singh AA, Rege NN. A study to assess clinical need of alternate treatment by Medical practitioners and patients in a Tertiary Care hospital: A cross- sectional study was presented by Dr Armaandeep at Terna Medical College at Hridaya 2016 on 29th Feb 2016 and won first prize for oral presentation
- Khetan A, Shetty YC ,Purushothaman R, Barbhaya D, Gupta R, Agarwal S, Sri Krishna Madan Mohan, Richard Josephson. “Cardiovascular risk factors epidemiology in semi-urban Indian community: Prevalence, Awareness, Control & Medication Adherence” was presented by Dr Dweep barbhaya at TNMC on 29th January 2016 and won first prize for oral presentation.
- Shetty YC, Bagle T, Marathe PA, Bodade A , Singh AA, Rege NN. “A study to assess clinical need of alternate treatment by Medical practitioners and patients in a Tertiary Care hospital: A cross- sectional study was presented” by Dr Armaandeep at at SAC-ACCP 2016 (clinical Pharmacology of Maternal and Child care)on 29th April 2016 planned at Nehru Centre, Dr Annie Besant Rd, Worli, Mumbai, won SM Karandikar prize (3rd prize for clinical oral presentation)
- Koli PG, Yashashri YC, Parmar UV, Mehta D, Kshirsagar NA. “A systematic review of standard treatment guidelines in India and comparison with NICE guidelines” was presented by Dr Paresh Koli at SAC-ACCP 2016 (clinical Pharmacology of Maternal and Child care)on 29th April 2016 planned at Nehru Centre, Dr Annie Besant Rd, Worli, Mumbai, won third prize Oral presentation (category I).
- Kulkarni UJ, Shetty YC, Brahma S, Dongre A*, Khopkar U*Rege NN. “A Prospective study to assess the impact of prescribed pharmacotherapy on quality life of Indian patients with Psoriasis taking treatment in Dermatology OPD of the Tertiary Care hospital” at Mumbai was presented by Dr Smita Brahma at at SAC-ACCP 2016 (clinical Pharmacology of Maternal and Child care)on 29th April 2016 planned at Nehru Centre, Dr Annie Besant Rd, Worli, Mumbai, won Dr Ashok Vaidya award (2nd prize for clinical oral presentation).
- Yashashri YC1, Singh K, Koli PG, Ingawale S and Bhatia S. “A study of Prescriptions and Adverse Events in Patients receiving Prokinetic Agents in the Out-Patient Departments (O.P.D.) of a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital” was presented by Dr Sushrut Ingawale at Confluence 2016 on 11th August 2016 planned at MLT, KEMH Mumbai, won First prize (Oral presentation).
- Marathe PA.- Won a prize in the international case study writing completion on Research Ethics organized by ‘TRUST- Equitable research partnerships’, organization for creating and enhancing trustworthy, responsible and equitable partnerships in international research. The case study on ‘Clinical trials on Bhopal gas Tragedy Victims’ has been ranked in the first five winners with a cash prize.
- Chauthankar S. Marathe P, Nanavati R, Second prize in oral paper presentation category for a paper, “Drug Utilisation Study in the Neonatal Intensive care Unit of a Tertiary care Hospital” at South Asian Chapter of American College of Clinical Pharmacology Conference on “Clinical Pharmacology of Women and Child Health” on 29th April 2016.
- Shruti Bhide won first prize for Poster presenatation at 9th ISCR National Conference held at Trident , Bandra, Mumbai 8- 9 Jan 2016.
- Team of II MBBS students of Seth GSMC & KEMH, August 2014 batch won 2nd prize of the “Pharmacology Intercollegiate Quiz”, organized on 7th September 2016, at Seth GS Medical College & KEM Hospital, Mumbai.
- Best Oral Paper to Shetty YC, Marathe PA, Bodade A,Singh A, Rege NN for “A study to assess clinical need of alternate treatment by Medical practitioners and patients in a Tertiary Care hospital: A cross- sectional study” presented at Medical Festival – Hridaya 2016 held by Terna Medical College on 29th February & 1st March, 2016.
- Best Poster Award at 195th Scientific meeting of staff society held on 24thFebruary 2016 at Seth GSMC & KEMH, Mumbai &
- 2nd prize at 3rdFERCI (Forum of Ethics Review Committees in India) conference at SGPGIMS Lucknow 11-12 December 2015, &
- Joint 2nd prize at ABR (Asian Bioethics Review) essay competition 2015 to Vaidya PH, Kamat SK, Shetty YC, Singh KNM for “Is coercion involved in the decision making of medical students participating in research?”.
- Best e-Poster Award to Rege NN, Tripathi RK, Dandekar SP for “Faculty Development for interactive teaching in large group” presented as a part of the MCI Advance Course on Medical Education, MCI Nodal Centre Faculty Development, Christian Medical College, Ludhiana on 28th February, 2015.
- Best Oral Paper Award (UPPSALA Best Paper Award) to Biswas M, Rege NN, Karnik ND, Nataraj G, Dhediya RM for “Study of adverse drug reactions in patients receiving antimicrobial agents in medical intensive care unit of a tertiary care teaching hospital” presented at SOPICON 2015, organised by Society of Pharmacovigilance, India, at Kolkata from 31st October – 2nd November 2015.
- Joint 2nd prize at ABR (Asian Bioethics Review) essay competition 2015 and
- 2nd prize for the oral paper at 189th Scientific meeting of staff society held on 25th March 2015 at Seth GSMC & KEMH, Mumbai to Jalgaonkar SV, Bhide SS, Tripathi RK, Shetty YC, Marathe PA, Katkar JV, Thatte UM for “Assessment of protocol deviations submitted to the Institutional Ethics Committee of a teaching hospital in Mumbai, India”.
- 3rd prize for the poster presentation to Patel T, Tripathi RK, Rege NN, Bagel TR for “impact of an educational programme to promote research ethics in undergraduate medical students” presented at VII National Conference on Health Professions Education (NCHPE) organized by Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi from 19th -21st November, 2015.
- Runner up trophy in the “Pharmacology Intercollegiate Quiz”, organized on 29th August 2015, at Seth GS Medical College & KEM Hospital, Mumbai won by team of II MBBS students of Seth GSMC & KEMH, August 2014 batch.
- Best free paper award: Awareness amongst Physicians of a Tertiary Care Hospital regarding “Rational Use of Medicine (RUM): A Questionnaire based Study.” Rao RP, Shetty YC, Kulkarni UJ, Khopkar US, Rege NN. At Seventh Annual International Conference of the South Asian Chapter of American College of Clinical Pharmacology “Clinical Pharmacology – TRANSLATING RESEARCH: Patient to Public Health “, from April 17 – 20th , 2014, at Nehru Centre, Worli, Mumbai.
- A proposal for a workshop entitled, “Biostatistics: Principles and Practice” was selected at World Ayurveda Congress, New Delhi and conducted on 6th November 2014.
- K. G. Nair Award 1st prize for poster in preclinical studies category: “Antiarthritic potential of buproprion in Freund’s complete adjuvant induced arthritis: An experimental study.” Bolegave SS, Marathe PA, Rege NN. At Seventh Annual International Conference of the South Asian Chapter of American College of Clinical Pharmacology “Clinical Pharmacology – TRANSLATING RESEARCH: Patient to Public Health”, from April 17 – 20th , 2014, at Nehru Centre, Worli, Mumbai.
- R. D. Kulkarni Award 3rd prize for poster in clinical trials/ studies category: “Comparative analysis of effectiveness and impact on quality of life of different disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs in a tertiary care hospital.” Gokhale VG, Manjunatha TA, Marathe PA, Nadkar MY, Sonavale AS. At Seventh Annual International Conference of the South Asian Chapter of American College of Clinical Pharmacology “Clinical Pharmacology – TRANSLATING RESEARCH: Patient to Public Health”, from April 17 – 20th , 2014, at Nehru Centre, Worli, Mumbai.
- First prize in National Pharmacology Quiz: secured by third year PG student Dr. Manjunatha T A, at the Third International & Sixth National Conference of Indian Society for Rational Pharmacotherapeutics on 21st& 22nd November 2014, at JIPMER, Puducherry.
- Sharadini Dahanukar Prize Session, 2nd prize in oral prize paper session: Evaluation of Withania somnifera on ethanol consumption and decision making in model of ethanol dependence in mice. Jadhav KS, Marathe PA. At Update Ayurveda 2014 (11-13th December 2014), conference organized by Dr. Sharadini Dahanukar Advanced Centre for Ayurveda Research Training and Services, Dept. of Clinical Pharmacology, TN Medical College and BYL Nair Ch. Hospital, Mumbai.
- “Pharmacology Intercollegiate Quiz”, organized on 30th August 2014, at Seth GS Medical College & KEM Hospital, Mumbai won by team of II MBBS students of Seth GSMC & KEMH, August 2013 batch.
- A proposal for a workshop entitled, “Biostatistics: Principles and Practice” was selected at World Ayurveda Congress, New Delhi and conducted on 6th November 2014.
- “1st prize for poster” won by Dr Yashashri Shetty at 2nd FERCI National conference on Research Ethics on “Bioethics and Clinical Research Regulations” organized by PSG Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Coimbatore from 8-9th November 2013 for poster on “Queries Raised by the Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC) of a Tertiary Care Hospital in Mumbai – A 10 year analysis”. Kamat SK, Shetty YC, Marathe PA, Raut SB.
- Team of II MBBS students of Seth GSMC & KEMH, August 2012 batch won the “Pharmacology Intercollegiate Quiz”, organized on 30th August 2013, at BYL Nair and TNMC, Mumbai.
- “G. Achari Prize” Kshitij Jadhav, Suraj Ghag, Afreen Sheikh, Yashashri Shetty at 45th Annual Conference of Indian Pharmacological Society, IPSCON and international conference on Navigating Pharmacology towards safe and effective therapy, January 5-7th , 2013, at Vanamati, Nagpur for his work done on “Evaluation of ampicillin and ceftriaxone on ethanol consumption in alcoholic dependant rats”.
- “Best Free Paper 1st Prize” Patil AE, Shetty YC, Gajbhiye SV, Salgaonkar SV at 46th Annual Conference of Indian Pharmacology Society (IPSCON-2013) at NIMHANS Convention Centre, Bangalore, from 16-18th December 2013 for his oral paper on “Off label use of perioperative medication during anesthesia in surgical wards of a teaching hospital”.
- Second Prize for “Dr. JC Patel and BC Mehta Best Paper award” under the category of Original Article for the year 2013. Chatterjee S, Sarkate P, Ghosh S, Biswas M, Ghosh A. Early, structured disease modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) therapy reduces cardiovascular risk in rheumatoid arthritis- a single centre study using non-biologic drugs. J Assoc Physicians India 2013; 61: 531-4.
- “A. S. Paranjpe Pharmacology Intercollegiate Quiz” for II MBBS undergraduate students from Mumbai zone was organized on 25th August 2012. Team of II year MBBS students of Seth GSMC and KEMH, August 2011 batch trained by the departmental members bagged the trophy.
- Pharmacology Undergraduate State level quiz organized on 4th February 2012, at MIMER, Talegaon Dabhade, won by team of II MBBS students of Seth GSMC & KEMH, August 2010 batch.
- Guffic award for research work on indigenous agent was won by Dr Harshveer Malhi, Dr. Kamat SK, Deogharkar A, Rege NN, 3rd year resident at 44th Annual Conference of Indian Pharmacological Society held at Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University, Manipal.
- 1st prize for the paper presented by Tripathi RK, Marathe PA, Kamat SK, Shetty YC, Thatte UM. “Evaluation of serious adverse event (SAE) reports: An ethical perspective.” presented at 1st FERCI National conference on Research Ethics on 4 November 2011 at TMH, Mumbai.
- 1st prize for the paper presented by Marathe PA, Tripathi RK, Kamat SK, Shetty YC, Kuyare SS, Thatte UM. “Compensation for Participation in Research: A Review of Protocols and Informed Consent Documents Submitted for Review to two Ethics Comittees” presented at 1st FERCI National conference on Research Ethics on 6th November 2011 at TMH, Mumbai.
- 2nd prize in essay competition organized by Ayurvidya masik, Pune in June 2011 to Dr Sudatta Shirolkar for the essay entitled, “Bharatat Sarvatra English Madhyamatun Ayurvediya Shikshan- Yogya ki Ayogya ”?
- First Prize for the best paper presented at the PG award paper session for a paper presented by Malhi HM, Taur SR, Chandan SV, Kamat SK, Gogtay NJ, Rege NN, Oak SN, Thatte UM. Audit feedback: A useful method to change prescribing practices at the 166th scientific Meeting of the Staff Society held on 24th February 2011.
- 3rd prize in poster presentation by Gawde S, Pawar D, Shetty YC. “Knowledge, Attitude and Practices toward Ayurvedic Medicine Use among Resident Doctors: A Survey at a Tertiary Care Hospital” at Staff society presentation at Seth GSMC & KEM Hospital.
Research Publications (2011 onwards)
The department has a more than 2000 original research papers published in various national and international journals of repute since 1926. In addition it has contributed to the discipline of pharmacology by publishing text books on Pharmacology, Research Methodologies, Ayurveda and Phytomedicine.
- Singh VK, Singh KM, ShettyYC. Secnidazole oral granules: A novel drug formulation and an effective alternative in treatment of bacterial vaginosis. Int J Innovative Res Med Sci 2018; 3(4):2001-6.
- Rege N, Tripathi R, Salagre S, Furman G. Five-R framework for prescription communication skills learning Med Edu 2017 51:1170-71.
- Shetty YC, Godbharle S, Brahma S, Salgaonkar S, Rege NN. Evaluation of oral multi-herbal preparation of Dashmoolarishta on mice model of osteoarthritis. J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol 2017;28(6):583-91.
- Shetty YC, Patil AE, Jalgaonkar SV, Rege NN, Salgaonkar S, Teltumbde PA, Kshirsagar S, Koli PG, Brahma S. Intra-articular injections of ketamine and 25% dextrose improve clinical and pathological outcomes in the monosodium iodoacetate model of osteoarthritis. J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol 2017;28(6) 543-53.
- Tripathi RK, Kurle DG, Jalgaonkar SV, Sarkate PV, Rege NN. Implementation of supplemental E-learning models for blended learning in pharmacology. Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol 2017;7(10):1084-90.
- Tripathi RK, Vaidya PH, Raote S, Desai MM, Chawda MB, Uchil DA, Rege NN. Efficacy and safety evaluation of Myostaal forte, a polyherbal formulation, in treatment of knee osteoarthritis: A randomized controlled pilot study . J Clin Diagnostic Res. 2017; 11(10): FC06-FC10.
- Tripathi RK, Kapse SV, Potey AV. Prescription pattern and awareness of disease and treatment in patients of Parkinson’s disease Dis. Manag (Epub ahead of print) 2017 DOI: 10.2217/nmt-2017-0020.
- Joshi SS, Tadavi FM, Manjunatha TA. Study of evaluation of hepatoprotective potential of lycopene in rat models of paracetamol and anti-tuberculous drugs (Isoniazid + Rifampicin) induced hepatotoxicity. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol 2017;6(7): 1585-90.
- Joshi SS, Tadavi FM, Birajdar AR, Gajbhiye SV, Shende AA. To evaluate and compare the efficacy of alcoholic and aqueous extract of Lagenaria siceraria in high fat diet model in Wistar rats.. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol 2017;6 (9): 1-8.
- Singh KM, Shetty YC. Data sharing: A viable resource for future. Perspect Clin Res 2017;8:63-7.
- Bhide SS, Maurya MR, Gajbhiye SV, Tadavi FM. Evaluation of nephroprotective effect of Bryonia lacinosa on streptozotocin induced diabetic nephropathy in rats. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol 2017; 6:1193-200.
- Chauthankar SA, Marathe PA, Potey AV, Nanavati RN. Drug Utilization in neonatal intensive care unit of a tertiary-care hospital in Mumbai, India. IndianPediatr 2017; 54(11):931-34.
- Thatte UM, Marathe PA. Ethics Committees in India: Past, present and future. Perspect Clin Res 2017;8: 22-30.
- Gajbhiye SV, Tripathi RK, Salve B, Petare A, Potey AV. Evaluation of effect of minocycline on rewarding potential and alcohol relapse in place preference model in mice. Neuroscience Letters 2017; 649:28–33.
- Gundeti M. S., Rasane H. S. Integrative Oncology: Newer potential for Immunotherapy and Chemoprevention. European Journal of Cancer. 2016; 54, suppl. (1)2016:S7
- Gatne DP, Mungekar S, Addepalli V, Mohanraj K, Ghone SA, Rege NN. Development of collateral vessels: A new paradigm in CAM angiogenesis model. Microvasc Res.2016;103: 11–13.
- Shirish Joshi, Snehalata Gajbhiye, Urmila Thatte. Evaluation of gastric motility of Phyllanthus emblica and Asparagus racemosus in cold stress induced gastric damage. July-Aug 2016, Vol 5, Issue 4; 1516-1519.
- Rajnish M. Dedhiya,Shirish S. Joshi, Snehlata V. Gajbhiye, Sharmila V. Jalgaonkar. Evaluation of antiepileptic effect of S-adenosyl methionine and its role in memory impairment in pentylenetetrazole-induced kindling model in rats. Epilepsy & Behaviour. August 2016 Volume 61, Pages 153–157.
- Kurle D G, Sarkate P V, Apte A A, Joshi SS. Observational study to gather opinion and assess awareness in the final year postgraduate medical students regarding dissertation in a tertiary care teaching hospital Medpulse-International Medical Journal. February 2016; 3(2): 209-212.
- Gajbhiye S, Tripathi R, Parmar U, Rege N. Rotational Training for PG Students Pharmacology. Natl J Integr Res Med 2016; 7(2): 93-99.
- Shetty YC, Patel TC, Parmar UI. Exploiting the potential of intranet for managing drug spectrum a web base publication in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Mumbai. Perspect Clin Res 2015;6:194-9..
- Jalgaonkar SV, Bhide SS, Tripathi RK, Shetty YC, Marathe PA, Katkar J, Thatte UM.An Audit of Protocol Deviations Submitted to an Institutional Ethics Committee of a Tertiary Care Hospital. PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0146334 January 6, 2016 :1-9.
- Vaidya P, Kamat S, Shetty YC, Singh KM. Is Coercion Involved in the Decision-Making of Medical Students Participating in Research? -A Cross-Sectional Study. Asian Bioethics Review March 2016 Volume 8, Issue 1; Pg 20-36.
- Bhide SS, Jalgaonkar SV, Katkar JV, Shetty YC, Tripathi RK, Marathe PA, Thatte UM. Impact of recent regulatory notifications on the functioning of the Institutional Ethics Committee of a tertiary care teaching hospital in Mumbai. Indian Journal of Medical Ethics October-December 2016; Vol I, No 4 :210-14.
- Shetty YC, Rege NN, Patil AE, Shinde RR,. Bansode-Gokhe SS, Koli P, Brahma S, Shukla I. A Prospective Study for “Developing School Based Model for Mainstreaming Rational Use of Medicine.ACCEPTED for publication in BJPR .
- Singh KM, Shetty YC. Data Sharing: a viable resource for future. A Review article .Accepted for publication in PICR.
- Tripathi RK, Jalgaonkar SV, Sarkate PV, Rege NN. Implementation of a module to promote competency in adverse drug reaction reporting in undergraduate medical students. Indian J Pharmacol 2016;48:S69-73.
- Salve BA, Tripathi RK, Petare AU, Raut AA, Rege NN. Effect of Tinospora cordifolia on physical and cardiovascular performance induced by physical stress in healthy human volunteers. Ayu 2015; 36:265-70.
- Shirolkar S, Tripathi RK, Potey AV. Evaluation of package inserts of Ayurveda drug formulations from Mumbai city. Ayu 2015; 36: 370-4.
- Kulkarni M, Keny D, Potey AV, Tripathi RK.. A cross-sectional study to assess the incompatible dietary behavior of patients suffering from skin diseases: A pilot study, Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine 7 (2016) 113 -118.
- Raakhi K. Tripathi, Padmaja A. Marathe, Sandip V. Kapse, Yashashri C. Shetty, Sandhya K. Kamat, Urmila M. Thatte. Serious Adverse Events Reports Analysis and Outcome of Review by an Institutional Ethics Committee of a Tertiary Care Hospital in Mumbai, India Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics July 2016 11 no. 3 267-273.
- Tripathi RK, Salve BA, Petare AU, Raut AA, Rege NN. Effect of Withania somnifera on physical and cardiovascular performance induced by physical stress in healthy human volunteers. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol 2016; 5: 2510-6.
- Potey Anirudha, V., Bhide Shruti , Chauthankar Shailesh A and Tadavi Firoz M. A comparative study of hepatoprotective effect of curcumin with n-acetyl cysteine and their simultaneous administration in acetaminophen induced hepatotoxicit. International Journal of Current Research .March, 2016.Vol.08 , Issue 03, pp. 28458-28465.
- Bhide SS, Katkar JV, Maurya M, Gogtay NJ, Thatte UM. An audit of the approval letters issued by Drugs Controller General of India to Ethics Committees in India. Perspect Clin Res 2016;7:165-7.
- Bhide SS,Tadavi F, Maurya MR, Bhojne SK,Chandrakar P.Assessment of clinical trials registered at clinical trial registry of India over past decade: an audit.. Int J Clin Trials 2016;3(4):238-43.
- Raut SB, Bolegave SS, Marathe PA. Effect of flumazenil on memory retrieval determined by trial-to-criteria inhibitory avoidance method in mice. J Pharmacol Pharmacother. 2016 Jan-Mar;7(1):24-6
- Kurle DG, Bagle TR, Satpute SM, Deshmukh YA. A Study to Evaluate Proconvulsive. Effect of Ofloxacin in Mice; Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy, 2015; 5(2): 20-26
- Kurle DG, Bargaje RS, Deshmukh YA: Study of Effect of Erythromycin Base on Gastrointestinal Smooth Muscles in Laboratory Animals In vitro. Int J Pharm Sci Res 2016; 7(6): 2692-98.
- Goyal SG, Kurle DG, Samant BD. Observational study to assess prescription cost and its relation to the socioeconomic status of the patients in psychiatry outpatient department in a tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 2016; 5(2): 307-311.
- Kurle DG, Sarkate PV, Apte AA, Joshi SS. Observational study to gather opinion and assess awareness in the final year postgraduate medical students regarding dissertation in a tertiary care teaching hospital. MedPulse International Medical Journal. 2016; 3(2): 209-212.
- Satpute S, Mehta M, Bhete S, Kurle D. Assessment of adherence to the statistical components of consolidated standards of reporting trials statement for quality of reports on randomized controlled trials from five pharmacology journals. Perspect Clin Res 2016;7:128-31
- Goyal SG, Kurle DG, Samant BD. Observational Study To Evaluate Patterns of Prescription In A Psychiatry OPD in Teaching Hospital. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 2016; 7(1): 31-36.
- Malhi HSM, Kamat SK, Deogharkar AR, Rege NN. Evaluation of the effects of Aegle marmelos and Punica granatum in an experimental model of gastrointestinal barrier dysfunction. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol 2016;5:1881-7.
- Thatte UM, Marathe PA. “Ethics Committees in India- Past, Present and Future” Invited review article for special edition of ‘Perspectives in Clinical Research’. Accepted for publication in November 2016.
- Yeragi VS, Kurle DG, Maske AH. Study of effect of Padabhyanga (foot massage) with tila taila (sesame oil) in elderly patients suffering from nidra bransha (insomnia). MedPulse – International Medical Journal. November 2016; 3(11): 911-914.
- Yeragi VS, Jadhav AY, Kurle DG. Cost analysis of different brands of anxiolytic and sedative-hypnotic drugs available in India. International Journal of Recent Trends in Science And Technology, December 2016; 21(2): 92-95.
- Parekar RR, Bolegave SS, Marathe PA, Rege NN. Experimental evaluation of analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-platelet potential of Dashamoola. J Ayurveda Integr Med 2015; 6:11-8.
- Billa GV, Joshi SS, Salagre SB. A prospective drug utilization study in geriatric hypertensive patients in a tertiary care hospital, Mumbai.Br J Med Res 2015; 5(2): 178-90.
- Mane YV, Potey A, Bhide SS, JalgaonkarSV, Ravat SH. Drug utilization pattern of antiepileptic drugs and direct and Indirect cost estimation in the treatment of epilepsy at tertiary Care hospital. Int J Information Res Rev 2015; 2(6): 759-64.
- Potey A, Shirolkar S, Bhide SS. Systematic Review of Annonasquamosa Linn (Sitafal): Plant with vital medicinal properties and unexplored potential. J AYUSH: Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy 2015; 4(2): 22-35.
- Gawde SR, Patel TC, Rege NN, Gajbhiye S, Uchil D. Evaluation of effects of Mandurabhasma on structural and functional integrity of small intestine in comparison with ferrous sulfate using an experimental model of iron deficiency anemia. Ancient Sci Life 2015; 34: 135-42.
- Bhide SS, Bhandare GK, Gajbhiye SV. Anti-Atherosclerotic Activity of Lagenariasiceraria in experimentally induced atherosclerosis in C57BL6J female mice. IntJ SciTechnol 2015; 3(6): 23-32.
- Shetty YC, Billa G, Nigade J, Salagre S, Rege NN. Prescription monitoring of hypertensive patients referred to hypertension out-patient department of a tertiary care hospital, Mumbai. Indian Pract 2015; 68(9): 25-31.
- Patil AE, Shetty YC, Gajbhiye SV, Salgaonkar SV. Drug utilisation and off-label use of medications in anaesthesia in surgical wards of a teaching hospital. Indian J Anaesth 2015; 59:721-7.
- Shirolkar SG, Tripathi RK, Rege NN. Evaluation of prakrti and quality-of-life in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Ancient Sci Life 2015; 34(4):210-5.
- Shetty YC, Patel TC, Parmar UI. Exploiting the potential of intranet for managing drug spectrum, a web base publication in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Mumbai. PerspectClin Res 2015;6(4):194-9.
- Sarkate PV, Jalgaonkar SV, Tripathi RK.Perception of medical students towards teaching of pharmacology through reinforcing learning model.Natl J Integr Res Med 2015; 6(2):101-4.
- Patke A, Tripathi RK, Patke VG, Sonawane D, Rege NN.Antidepressant activity of Simvastatin in behavioral models of depression in rats.Int J Res Med Sci2015;3(7):1666-71.
- Tripathi RK, Sarkate PV, Jalgaonkar SV, Rege NN. Development of active learning modules in pharmacology for small group teaching. Educ Health 2015;28(1):46-51
- Kamat SK, Barde PJ, Raut SB. Evaluation of the estrogenic activity of Indian medicinal plants in immature rats. Ancient Sci Life 2015; 35: 90-5.
- Tripathi RK,Bolegave SS, Shetty PA, Uchil DA, Rege NN, Rege SA, Chawda MB.Efficacy and safety of a polyherbal formulation inhemorrhoids. J Ayurveda IntegrMed2015;6:225-32.
- Shetty YC, Jadhav KS, Saiyed AA, Desai AU. Are institutional review board ready for active continuing review? PerspectClin Res 2014; 5: 11-5.
- Kuyare SS, Marathe PA, Shetty YC, Kamat SK, Katkar JV, Thatte UM. Projects not initiated by investigators: a retrospective analysis of the queries raised by the institutional ethics committees of a teaching hospital. J Postgrad Med 2014; 60(1):46-50.
- Shetty YC, Saiyed AA. Analysis of warning letters issued by the united states food and drug administration to clinical investigators, institutional review boards and sponsors: a retrospective study. J Med Ethics 2014; 0: 1–6.
- Jadhav K, Ghag S, Saiyed A, Shetty Y. Evaluation of ampicillin and ceftriaxone on ethanol consumption in alcoholic dependant rats. Br J Pharm Res 2014; 4(14): 1772-80.
- Bhide SS, Bagle TR, Kulkarni M, Mane YV, Patil S. Substandard drugs. Bulletin on Adverse Drug Reactions, LTMMC & GH 2014; 4(2): 11-7.
- Jadhav KS, Marathe PA. Evaluation of potassium clavulanate on ethanol consumption and decision making in the model of ethanol dependence in mice. J PharmacolPharmacother 2014; 5(4): 250-2.
- Parekar RR, Jadhav KS, Marathe PA, Rege NN. Effect of Saraswatarishta in animal models of behavior despair. J Ayurveda Integr Med 2014; 5 (3): 131-202.
- Pawar DB, Marathe PA, Rege NN. Antidepressant activity of aqueous extracts of fruits of TerminaliaChebula and PhyllanthusEmblica in behavioural models of depression: involvement of monoaminergic system. Int J Pharm PharmSci 2014; 6(8): 615-62.
- Malve HO, Raut SB, Marathe PA, Rege NN. Effect of combination of Phyllanthusemblica, Tinosporacordifolia and Ocimum sanctum on spatial learning and memory in rats. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2014;5: 209-15
- Raut SB, Jadhav KS, Marathe PA. Role of dopamine – D2 receptor in spatial memory retention and retrieval determined using Hebb-Williams complex maze. Indian J PhysiolPharmacol 2014; 58(3) 191-5.
- Gajbhiye S, Tripathi R, Jalgaonkar S, Sarkate P. Perception of postgraduate (PG) students and teachers on seminar as teaching-learning tool. Natl J Integr Res Med 2014; 5(2): 98-102.
- Rege NN, J. Lewis J, Gupte S:Low Density Lipoprotein‑Cholesterol Lowering Activity of a Blend of Rice Bran Oil and Safflower Oil (7:3) in Indian Patients with Hyperlipidemia: A Randomized, Double Blind, Controlled, Comparative, ParallelGroup Study.J Obesity and Metab Res2014;1:159-63.
- Sarkate PV, Tripathi RK, Jalgaonkar SV. Evaluation of student symposium as teaching learning tool.JEduTechnol Health Sci 2014; 1(2): 13-8.
- Joshi SS, Bhalerao PP, Gajbhiye SV. Evaluation of analgesic activity of Dashamoolarishta formulation by using experimental models of nociception. Int J PharmacolTher 2013; 3(3): 59-64.
- Bagle TR, Bhide SS, Kulkarni MV, Mane YV. Counterfeit drugs. Bulletin on Adverse Drug Reactions, LTMMC & GH 2013; 3(3): 3-8.
- Gawde SR, Bhide SS, Patel TC, Chauhan AR, Mayadeo NM, Sawardekar SB. Drug prescription pattern in pregnant women attending antenatal out-patient department of a tertiary care hospital. Brit J Pharmaceutical Res 2013; 3(1): 1-12.
- Tripathi R. Ethics Committee member: reviewing the ethics in clinical research. PerspectClin Res 2013; 4:17–20.
- Tripathi R, Sarkate P, Jalgaonkar S. Introduction of Integrated lecture module: performance and perception of II year medical students. Int J PharmacolClinSci 2013; 2(2):65-70.
- Gawde SR, Shetty YC, Merchant S, Kulkarni UJ, Nadkar MY. Drug utilization pattern and cost analysis in rheumatoid arthritis patients – a cross sectional study in tertiary care hospital, Mumbai. Brit J Pharmaceutical Res 2013 3(1); 37-45.
- Gawde SR, Shetty YC, Pawar DB. Knowledge, attitude and practices towards ayurvedic medicine use among allopathic resident doctors: a cross-sectional study in tertiary care hospital in India. PerspectClin Res 2013;4:175-80.
- Gokhale VS, Bhide SS, Jalgaonkar SV, Marathe PA, Mane Y, Khan FM, Rege NN. Evaluation of effect of piracetam in experimental models of depression. Int J Pharm Sci Res 2013: 4(7); 2667-2672.
- Chatterjee S, Sarkate P, Ghosh S, Biswas M, Ghosh A. Early, structured disease modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) therapy reduces cardiovascular risk in rheumatoid arthritis- a single centre study using non-biologic drugs. J Assoc Physicians India 2013; 61: 531-4.
- Patil A, GajbhiyeS, Salgaonkar A comparison of hypotension and bradycardia following spinal anaesthesia in patients on calcium channel blockers and β-blockers. Indian J Pharmacol 2013; 45(2): 203-4 (Letter to editor).
- Pan L, Terrazas C, Lezama-Davila CM, Rege N, Gallucci JC, Satoskar AR, Kinghorn AD. Cordifolide A, a sulfur-containing clerodanediterpene glycoside from Tinosporacordifolia. Organic Letters 2012;14(8): 2118-21.
- Joshi SS, Thatte UM. Pharmacological evaluation of cytoprotective potential of Phyllanthus Emblica (PE) and Asparagus Racemosus (AR) in preventing gastric erosions, ulcerations and inflammation induced in rats.Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol 2012; 2(2): 172-8.
- Kamat SK, Marathe PA, Patel TC, Shetty YC, Rege NN. Introduction of case based teaching to impart rational pharmacotherapy skills to undergraduate medical students. Indian J Pharmacology 2012; 44(5): 634-7.
- Parekar RR, Dash KK, Marathe PA, Apte AA, Rege NN. Evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of root bark of ClerodendrumPhlomidis in experimental models of inflammation. International J ApplBiol Pharmaceutical Technol 2012; 3(3): 54-60.
- Pawar DB, Gawade SR, Marathe PA. Awareness about medical research among resident doctors in a tertiary care hospital: A cross-sectional survey. Perspectives in Clinical Research 2012; 3(2): 57-61.
- Shetty YC, Marathe PA, Kamat SK, Thatte UM. Promotion of ethical health research by continuing oversight through site monitoring – experiences of the institutional ethics committee in a tertiary care hospital in India. Indian J Med Ethics 2012; 9(1): 22-6.
- Shetty YC, Marathe PA, Billa GV,Nambiar N. A study to assess completeness of project application forms submitted to institutional ethics committee (IEC) of a tertiary care hospital. Perspectives in Clinical Research 2012; 3(4): 133-8.
- Jalgaonkar S, Sarkate P, Tripathi R. Students’ Perception about Small Group Teaching Techniques: Role Play Method and Case Based Learning in Pharmacology. Education in Medicine Journal 2012; 4(2): e13-8.
- Dang G, Parekar R, Kamat SK, Scindia A, Rege NN. Anti-inflammatory Activity of Phyllanthusemblica, Plumbagozeylanica and Cyperusrotundus in acute models of inflammation. Phytother Res 2011;25(6): 904-908.
- Panchabhai TS, Dangayach NS, Mehta VS, Patankar CV, Rege NN. A cross-sectional evaluation of computer literacy among medical students at a tertiary care teaching hospital in Mumbai (Bombay).J Postgrad Med 2011; 57: 31-9.
- Natu VS,Kamerkar SB, Geeta K, Vidya K, Natu V, Sane S, Kushte R, Thatte S, Uchil DA, Rege NN, Bapat RD. Efficacy of anti-scorpion venom serum over prazosin in the management of severe scorpion envenomation. J Postgrad Med 2011; 56: 275-80.
- Ghorpade S, Tripathi R, Sonawane D, Manjrekar N. Evaluation of antidepressant activity of ropinirolecoadministered with fluoxetine in acute and chronic behavioral models of depression in rats. J Basic ClinPhysiolPharmacol 2011; 22(4):109–114.
- Narwane SP, Patel TC, Shetty YC, Chikhalkar SB. Drug utilization and cost analysis for common skin diseases in dermatology OPD of an Indian tertiary care hospital – A prescription survey. Brit J Pharmaceutical Res 2011; 1(1): 9-18.
- Rege NN , Tripathi RK Eds. Pharmacology Specific Learning Objectives, 1st ed., New Delhi: CBS Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd., 2018
- Satoskar RS, Rege NN, Tripathi RK, Bhandarkar SD. Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics. Revised 25th edition, Mumbai: Popular Prakashan and Elsevier India Pvt Ltd., 2017
- 9th edition of “A Handbook for Undergraduate students of Pharmacology, 2017-2018
- Yashashri Shetty contributed as an author for the chapter “Ethical review procedures” in the ICMR Gguidelines for Biomedical Research, 2017 .
- Dr Raakhi Tripathi contributed as an author for the chapter “ Clinical Trials” in the ICMR Gguidelines for Biomedical Research, 2017
- 8th edition of “A Handbook for Undergraduate students of Pharmacology, 2016-2017”
- Satoskar RS, Rege NN, Bhandarkar SD. Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics. Revised 24th edition. Mumbai: Elsevier India Pvt Ltd.; 2015.
- Bhuiyan PS, Rege NN, Supe AN. The Art of Teaching Medical Students, 3rd edition. New Delhi: Reed Elsevier India Pvt Ltd.; 2015.
- Satoskar RS, Rege NN, Bhandarkar SD. Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics. Revised 23rd edition. Mumbai: Popular PrakashanPvt Ltd.; 2013.
- Satoskar RS, Rege NN, Bhandarkar SD. Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics. Revised 22nd edition. Mumbai: Popular PrakashanPvt Ltd.;2011.
- 7thedition of “A Handbook for Undergraduate students of Pharmacology, 2015-2016”
For Student
For Patient
The graduate program of the Department is one that is essential in accomplishing its overall objectives of teaching and research. The Department is committed to excellence in medical education and research and is proud of the contribution of its faculty members to Basic Science and Clinical Research. It provides Postgraduate students with a more thorough background in the Basic Sciences and clinical investigations so that questions in pharmacology can be better understood and ultimately answered.
Since its establishment in 1926, the activities of the department have proliferated and are conducted at different sites in the campus. The office of the main department and the undergraduate teaching sections which include a museum, a library and laboratories for experimental pharmacology, neuropharmacology and clinical pharmacy are situated on the 1st floor of the college building.
The animal house is situated in the centre for animal studies which is a separate building adjacent to the CCBL building.
The Ayurveda Research Centre of the department of pharmacology is situated on the 2nd floor of the CCBL building. Here attempts are made to scientifically explore concepts of Ayurveda and take leads from Ayurveda for to contribute to better therapeutics. A 10 bedded ward of Ayurveda Research Centre is on the 2nd floor of the multistory building.
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