Department of Radiology
Background History
- Case of the Month
- Chairman’s Corner
- Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging
- Radiology Education Foundation
- Useful links
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Department of Radiology
The radiology department is one of the largest teaching departments in India both in terms of clinical services provided and the radiology residency training program. The department examines over 160,000 patients each year. All forms of diagnostic and interventional radiological procedures including sophisticated vascular and neuro interventional procedures are performed. The department has a very active teaching schedule for residents besides conducting refresher courses; it also provides opportunity for Observer ship for those from other departments and elsewhere in the state and country. The department boasts one of the best departmental book libraries in the country with over 800 volumes and an exhaustive film and electronic teaching media library.
We welcome all our alumni to this meeting ground and sincerely hope that this site will help you to renew your ties with The Department. You may have been here at these institutions just a few years ago or a few decades ago – but all of us are from the same breed – Radiologists trained at KEM.
Since your times…whenever it was…things have changed!! and those of still here relish our days past, look forward to the days in future striving at all times to keep the department flag flying high. To be able to do this we need your support in…many ways…but in one most important way…please keep in touch. That is one of the very reasons this website is there so we can interact with our alumni…all over the world…and use their suggestions and inputs to make this department stand apart from the rest. I am sure in the true GS tradition most of us will be interested in the Alumni activities not as much ‘to get’ but much more ‘to give’ to our Alma Mater.
We urge you to become members of the G.S. Alumni Association…submitting this form. For those of you who need and can, membership of the GOSUMEC Alumni association entails you to the free use of the College Library which is reasonably well stocked with books and journals. Besides, you will be delighted to know that we have setup an electronic teaching library of all modalities in radiology in the department. You may want to visit and use it.
We now come to the ‘giving’ part. There is a lot each of us individually and collectively do to help the department. As times have gone by the funding to the department’s teaching and clinical activities has become precarious with help being need in several areas both in cash and kind. You can contribute to this and all help in whatever form will be welcome. If you wish to get involved please drop in a line at this address with what you have in mind and we could start working on it.
And finally…if you are anywhere near Parel… or passing by, please take time out to drop in the department even if only Deshi and the techs and the good old ward boys are the only ones who will recognize you!!!! Come have a cup of Tea at the KEM Canteen Katta…
“Please take a moment to let us know you have been here by filling this form so that we can keep in touch”. We soon hope to be able to develop a database of all our alumni so that you can communicate with your long lost friends.
Hemant Deshmukh | Professor and Head |
Sunita Kale | Professor |
Padma Badhe | Addl. Professor |
Priya Hira | Addl. Professor |
Uday Limaye | Addl. Professor |
Buz Morris | Addl. Professor |
Krantikumar Rathod | Addl. Professor |
Hemangini Thakkar | Addl. Professor |
Bhavesh Popat | Lecturer |
Rashmi Saraf | Lecturer |
Shilpa Sankhe | Lecturer |
Dev Thakkar | Lecturer |
Information for Physicians :
Facilities, Equipments & Special services
Department is equipped with:
- Digital x ray units:5
- CR unit:1
- Portable 60 kV Xray units:5
- Ultrasound machine:5
- Fluoroscopy machine:1
- DSA machine: Siemens Artis zee biplaner
- Mammography unit
- CT scan :Phillips brilliance 64slice
- MRI: Siemens Magnetom Sonata 1.5T
- Radiofrequency Ablator
New equipment to be installed:
- Siemens 1.5T MRI
- Standing Fluoroscopy
- Mobile DR X-Ray
- Ultrasound Machine:2
For Student
University Awarded Fellowships in Radiology
The following fellowships awarded by the Maharashra University of Health Sciences is conducted by this department.
See details of the application process here.
Sub specialty | Duration | Eligibility Criteria | Yearly intake | |
Radiology | Vascular and Interventional radiology | 1 year | MD or DNB or DMRD in radiology/radio diagnosis | 2 |
Radiology | Interventional neuro radiology | 1 year | MD or DNB or DMRD in radiology/radio diagnosis2 | 2 |
Radiology | Body imaging, CT Scan, MRI – Chest and Abdomen | 1 year | MD or DNB or DMRD in radiology/radio diagnosis | 2 |
Radiology | USG and color Doppler | 1 year | MD or DNB or DMRD in radiology/radio diagnosis2 | 2 |
Diagnostic neuroradiology | 1 year | MD or DNB or DMRD in radiology/radio diagnosis | 2 |
1-3 months observership is available for all subspecialties in radiology.
Radiologists or radiologists in training are given priority over other physicians for this program:
Qualified radiologists should send in a an application on plain paper with a photocopy of their postgraduate diploma/degree certificate in radiology to the following address: (Residents in training should forward their application through their head of department/institution)
The Dean,
G.S. Medical College and K.E.M. Hospital,
Parel, Mumbai 400 012.
In the application please indicate the number of weeks you would like the obervership to be (minimum 4 , maximum 12 weeks) as also the subspecialty/ies you would like to observe.
You will be notified the acceptance or otherwise of the application along with the allotted time slot.
On the day of the commencement of the course, observers will have to pay a fee at the rate of Rs.1600/- per month for conventional radiology and Rs.3200/- for CT, MRI, Ultrasound, Interventional radiology and such similar courses. For observership for radiographers the charges are Rs.800/- per month. Unfortunately, it is not possible for the institution to arrange for accommodation and observers from outside town are advised to arrange for the same before their arrival in the city.
Besides access to clinical work, observers will be able to make use of the department teaching files and books and electronic media library.
On successful completion of the course, an appropriate certificate will be issued by the institution.
The department provides training for the following courses:
D.M.R.D. Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS) Two-year course. Five candidates /year
M.D. (Diagnostic Radiology) Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS). Three-year course (6 candidates /year )
For Details of course kindly visit
The following is the approximate distribution of the various postings during a three year residency:
General radiology | 4 months |
Gastrointestinal radiology : | 4 months |
Interventional Neuroradiology : | 1 month |
Vascular & Interventional radiology : | 3 months |
Orthopedic radiology : | 1 months |
Uroradiology : | 2 months |
M.R.I : | 6 month |
C.T. : | 6 months |
Ultrasound : | 6 months |
Teaching files : | 1 months |
Pediatric radiology : | 1 month |
Pre-exam leave : | 1 month |
Paramedical Courses
The Department provide following MUHS approved paramedical courses
B.P.M.T.(Degree Course) Maharshtra university of Health Sciences:Three years course
Ten Candidates/Year
For Details of course kindly visit
For Patient
Information for Patients
Interventional Case Records
The Department of Radiology at the Seth GS Medical College and King Edward Memorial (KEM) hospital, Mumbai is the pioneering department of Interventional Radiology in India and has been in the forefront of image guided interventions (general vascular, non vascular and neurovinterventions) in the country.
The cases on this page, represent a sampling of the wide variety of Interventional radiological procedures practiced in the department. From time to time, we will be adding new cases to this page.
We hope these cases will be use both to physicians wanting to refer patients and those patients who are looking for a high volume center to treat their problems by interventional radiological techniques.
List of Radiology Journals Currently Available
College Central Library :
1.Abdominal Imaging
2.American Journal of Roentgenology (AJR)
3.Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology
4.Journal of Clinical Ultrasound
6.Radiologic Clinics of North America
Department Library :
1. American Journal of Roentgenology (Electronic) – Courtesy ARRS
2. Asian-Oceanic Journal of Radiology
3. Clinical Radiology (Courtesy – Anil ‘Adi” Ahuja , Hong Kong)
4. Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology
5. Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography (Courtesy – Anil “Adi” Ahuja – Hong Kong)
6. Journal of Medical Ethics
7. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine
8. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine
9. Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology
10.Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging
11.Interventional Neuroradiology (Courtesy Prof. Marco Leonardi)
12.MR Imaging Clinics of North America
13.Neuroimaging Clinics of North America
14.Radiographics (Electronic) Courtesy RSNA
15.Radiologic Clinics of North America (Courtesy – Pramod Phadke, Australia)
16.Radiology (Electronic) – Courtesy RSNA
17.Revista Neuroradiologica (Courtesy Prof. Marco Leonardi)
We request our Alumni to help us subscribe to more journals. If you wish to , please write to
King Edward Memorial Hospital and Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College
Acharya Donde Marg, Parel, Mumbai 400 012. India.
Contact Detail
E mail :
Phone : 022 24107536
02 22 24107000
News & Updates
Future Plans
For Student
For Patient
Photo Gallery