Background History
Preventive Medicine has developed as a branch of Medicine distinct from Public health. Its primary objective is prevention of disease and promotion of health. The scope of Preventive Medicine has grown widely. It is no longer confined to hygiene, sanitation, vaccinations and quarantine, all of which are associated with communicable diseases. It not only encompasses nutrition, vectors, insecticides, pollution free environment but also includes concerns regarding population explosion, fertility control, genetic counseling besides addressing preventive aspects of chronic diseases. Degenerative disorders, occupational diseases etc.
Preventive Medicine now has become a growing point in Medicine. The emergence of Preventive Paediatrics, Preventive Geriatrics, Preventive Cardiology, Epidemiology & Management reflect newer trends in the scope of specialization in Preventive Medicine. Preventive Medicine ranges far beyond the medical field. It includes social, economic, ecological and philosophical dimensions which have a bearing on health and disease.
Social Medicine is an expansion of the humanitarian tradition in medicine and includes patient care, prevention of disease, administration of medical services that are cited in the principles of Primary Health Care. Preventive Medicine is equally concern with development of effective referral services at secondary and tertiary levels of health care. It emphasizes inclusion of principles of management at different levels. The final thrust is on understanding community dynamics and making community diagnosis keeping in mind the principles of equitable distribution, community participation, appropriate technology and inter-sectoral co-ordination for finding solutions to mankind’s health problems. Finally the inclusion of the spiritual dimension in the strategy for health for all calls for a holistic approach not only to health and disease but to life itself. Thus, the scope of Preventive and Social Medicine has increased over wider horizons and hence departments of Preventive & Social Medicine have been called upon to play expansive roles to include all aspects.
Departments of Preventive and Social Medicine have evolved considerably and are continuously adapting themselves to their changing roles and expectations. They are an important link between the tertiary care hospitals and public health services and play a vital role in the medical education of undergraduates which according to the Medical Council of India and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare needs to be made more community oriented, and relevant to the country’s needs.
Concept of starting separate department of PSM at Medical colleges was first mooted in 1955 at the All India Conference on Medical Education. The department of PSM at Seth G.S. Medical College was first established in 1959 with Dr. D.N. Pai as its first head.
In 1974, Dr. J.B. Shrivastava Committee Report advocated starting of Urban Field Practice Areas for medical colleges. Thus the Urban Health Centre was started at Malvani in 1978 for comprehensive health services. This was nurtured by Dr. Mrs. V.R. Bhalerao, then Professor, who later took over as the second Head of the Dept. in 1982, followed by Dr. Mrs. P. Subramanian as the Third head of PSM in 1992.
Dr. Ratnendra R. Shinde, took over as 4th head of department in the year 2002. He was very passionate about networking of the department with various institutes in the city, for capacity building of the staff members of the department. e.g. NIRRH, FWTRC, Garware institute of Career Education & Development(University of Mumbai), Tata Institute of Social Sciences, All India Institute of Local Self Government etc. He also invited many projects to the department ,which have immensely benefited the PG students.
With the unfortunate and sudden demise of Dr R. R. Shinde in 2018, the charge was taken up by Dr Gajanan Velhal. A man of high intellect and vision. It was during his tenure that department of community medicine achieved newer horizons. Under his leadership Yellow fever vaccination and palliative care OPDs were started. During times of pandemic, department of community medicine under guidance of Dr Velhal stood up for quick response when rest of the world was locked in their homes. The department of community medicine took over the overwhelming task of contact tracing of covid-19 patients and afterwards CCF opd as well as the Covid-19 Vaccination was also started. In the year 2021, Dr Velhal started Fellowship in Prevention And Control Of Infectious Disease (MUHS).
Dr Vijaykumar Singh is present Professor and Head of Department since 1st September 2022.
Important Milestones:
Year | Milestone |
1959 | Separate Department of Preventive and Social Medicine established at GSMC |
1973 | Dr. D.N. Pai, then Professor & Head of the department received “Padmashree” award for his exemplary work in the field of Family Planning. |
1968 | PSM was identified as a separate subject for full question paper in MBBS course |
1978 | Malvani Urban Health Centre was established |
1985-86 | Naigaon was adopted as a field practice area under the department |
1992 | First conference of Mumbai branch of IAPSM was hosted by the department |
1993 | General OPD services under the department, started at KEM Hospital |
2012 | Recognition of the department for PhD studies under MUHS |
2013 | Affiliation of Rural Health Training centers- Khadavli, Pise & Sakwar |
2016 | Department hosted Joint conference of MCIAPSM (17th) and Mumbai branch of MCIAPSM (3rd) |
2016-2018 | Office of MCIAPSM was located in the department under President ship of Dr. R. R. Shinde |
2019 | Yellow Fever Vaccination OPD and Palliative care OPD started under aegis of the department |
2021 | 16th January 2021- covid vaccination centre started. Fellowship in prevention and control of infectious disease started-2021 |
2022 | NCD corner started on 6th September 2022. |
Heads of the Department
Sr No. | Head of the Department | Tenure |
1. | Dr. Datta N.Pai | 1959-1981 |
2. | Dr. Mrs. Vijaya R. Bhalerao | 1982-1991 |
3. | Dr. Mrs. Parimala S. Subramanian | 1992-2002 |
4. | Dr. R.R. Shinde | 2002-2017 |
5. | Dr. Gajanan D. Velhal | 2018 to 2022 |
5. | Dr Vijaykumar Singh | 2022 to till date |
Sections Units Branches
Recent Activity
Covid vaccination centre started on 16th Jan 2021 in KEM hospital. The nodal department for conducting vaccination is Department of Community Medicine and for vaccine logistics is Department of Clinical Pharmacology. Vaccination drive is being conducted as per the guidelines issued by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and it is implemented through Public health Department of MCGM in Mumbai.
Three phases of vaccination drive are:
Phase1: Health care workers
Phase 2: Frontline workers
Phase 3: General population with priority to senior citizens and high-risk individuals then 45-60 age group and later 18-44 age group.
Phase 4: 12-14 years age group vaccination and precautionary dose
Vaccination centre in KEM hospital is situated in Multi storeyed building 2nd floor Clinical Pharmacology ward no. 24. The timings are 9 am-3 pm. Vaccination is conducted through COWIN app portal on which the beneficiary has to be registered, verified and authenticated at the time of vaccination. Registration on app is mandatory.
Vaccination Team:
Dr. Vijaykumar Singh, Professor and Head
Dr. Pavan Sable, Associate Professor
Dr. Deepika Sadawarte, Assistant Professor
NCD corner
Under the leadership of our HOD Dr. VijayKumar Singh Sir and our constant source of inspiration our Dean Dr. Sangeeta Ravat madam, Department of Community Medicine and Internal Medicine are happy announce opening of Non Communicable Disease CORNER for opportunistic Screening of Diabetes and Hypertension.
This corner is established as brainchild of Dr. Sanjeev Kumar sir Hon. Addl. Municipal Comissioner (Health).
Venue: Opposite Gate no. 2, Near OPD no. 16.
Timing: Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 4.00 pm
Saturday: 9.00 am to 12.30 pm
Contact Tracing for COVID-19 among Health Care Workers
Department of Community Medicine, Seth G S Medical College & KEM Hospital, is entrusted with the responsibility of contact tracing of health care workers who are exposed to Covid-19 since 9th April 2020 asthey are at an increased risk of acquiring Covid-19 infection, being in a high-risk environment.They can be greater risk to their co-workers, family members, and also the patients being cared for/ treated by them. Hence, contact tracing activity serves as an important pillar of control of transmission. Contact tracing includes – Contact identification, their categorization into high and low-risk status, and quarantine of these contacts as per MOHFW guidelines.
Dr. Vijaykumar Singh, Professor and Head
Dr. Anuradha Mohapatra, Assistant Professor
Residents and Interns.
Community Activities
Naigaon Health Centre:In order to carry out teaching and training of undergraduate medical students, interns and residents doing Diploma/MD Community Medicine) in community work, a health centre has been established by PSM Department in Naigaum area which is about 1 k.m. from the parent institute Through Naigaum Health Centre, comprenhensive health services like Under five clinic, Medical relief, IEC activities etc. are conducted for training medical students.
Malvani Health Centre (Malad West):An Urban Health has been established by PSM Department at Malvani to offer comprehensive health care services to about 1.1 lakh poor and needy people living in slum/slum like areas. The centre is located about 34 kms from the parent institute. In addition to providing health services to slum population, the Urban Health Centre also provides practical training to interns, post graduate students (Diploma/MD in PSM), student nurses from L.T. College of Nursing, Bhagwati Hospital,Cooper Hospital etc. Various research project related to community health are also undertaken at the UHC, Malvani population.
Following activities are carried out at M.H.C:
- Antenatal Clinic
- Postnatal Clinic
- Family Planning Services
- Underfive Clinic services
- Immunisation clinic
- School Health services
- Gynaec. Services
- TB clinic
- Leprosy clinic.
- Dental and ophthalmic clinic .
- STI/RTI Clinic.
- Link ART Center.
- Health post.
Child to child programme was developed at MHC and is accepted as one of the effective methods of health education internationally.
General Practice – OPD and Immunisation OPD
The General Practice OPD in KEM Hospital was started by the PSM Dept. by Dr. P. Subramanian under leadership of the then Dean, Dr. P Pai in the year 1993. It is now running in its 15 th year.
The OPD is currently located on the 1st floor of the new multi-storied building. The GOPD is functional daily from 8.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. with the registration of cases going on from 8.30 to 11.30 a.m. All patients visiting the hospital are screened by this OPD and then if required are referred to the speciality OPDs. Cases like TB, Malaria, Diarrhea, URTI, LRTI, HT are treated here.
The immunization OPD session starts at 1:30 pm and goes on upto 3:30 pm.
There are 4 counters here:-
- Registration counter
- Prescription room
- Injection room
- Counselling
Children in the age group of 1 day to 5 years are immunized against selected vaccine preventable diseases as per the immunisation schedule adopted by the MCGM health dept.
(Polio, Tuberculosis, Diphtheria, Pertusis, Tetanus, Measles, Mumps Rubella and Hepatitis B.)
Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP)
The Directorate of Health Services, Maharashtra State has taken the initiative to develop a decentralized district based disease surveillance programme in the state. The Public Health System is expected to detect early warning signals of impending outbreaks and help initiate an effective response in a timely manner. Integrated Disease Surveillance Project is a five- year project that will be coordinated by the centre and implemented by the states, districts and communities. The programme envisages the use of modern Information Technology to facilitate transfer of information. IDSP project is launched in the state on 21st June 2005.
In accordance with the State directives, Dept. of PSM, Seth G S Medical College & KEM Hospital became participant in the IDSP and a sub district surveillance unit (SDSU) was established.
Services Provided by SDSU in KEMH
- Diagnostic services for priority diseases
- Treatment services
- Follow-up services including community surveillance.
The department of Preventive & Social Medicine at Seth G.S. Medical College and K.E.M. Hospital has developed the ‘Rural Health Training Centre’ (R.H.T.C.) at Sakwar, Vasai taluka, Thane district, in collaboration with the Ramakrishna Mission, Khar. The centre provides medical services to about 400 villages of 7 adjacent talukas in the Thane district.
The R.H.T.C. in Sakwar is located at a distance of about 82 kilometres from Mumbai on the Western Express (Mumbai – Ahmedabad) Highway No. 8. It is about 10 kilometres North of Virar in the Vasai taluka. The centre is conducting its activities on a spacious land admeasuring 8 acres, leased by the Government of Maharashtra.
In 2004, the Department started regular residential postings of Postgraduate Residents and Interns to provide the basic health services to the tribal population of Sakwar and the Rural Health Training Centre in its present form took shape. This is a unique collaboration between a Municipal Hospital, an N.G.O., and the Rural Government Health Services.
The medical social worker section of the department constitutes an important supportive section, the activities of which have been integrated within the teaching, training & research programmes of the department.
Patient Education Centre (PEC) / Information Education Communication (IEC) cell was started by Department of Preventive & Social Medicine in the year 2002 during the Platinum Jubilee Year of the Twin Institute. The initial funding was provided by Pandit Foundation, subsequently supported by the institute after evaluation.
It is well known fact that educating patients bring about better and faster healing. It gives a treatment a better chance. Patient education is necessary and useful for each and every disease and for every stage of disease.
PEC has created digital posters about various diseases in Marathi and Hindi and Gujarati that can be put up in the wards, OPDs, corridors. These posters are in simple language, with lot of coloured school posters and photographs for easy understanding. These are made in digital prints in different sizes as per the requirement.
Activities of the Patient Education Centre:
- Creating Health Educational Material
- Posters
- Pamphlets and Booklets
- Creating Health Education and training material for NGOs and other agencies working in the fieldof health.
- Displaying the scroll boards with general information.
- Organising Health Talks
- Organising Exhibitions In the community
- Teaching and training in Communication
- Conducting Community Health programmes.
Undergraduate teaching, training and research.
Undergraduate students of all the three years of MBBS are posted with the department for fixed durations for training in the subject. This is achieved through didactic lectures, practicals, demonstrations, tutorials, seminars and most unique of all, visits to institutes of public health importance like the Central Labour Institute and rural health training centre.
Postgraduate teaching, training and research.
The duration of the course in the subject is of three years for the MD and two years for the Diploma in Public Health. During the period each student is posted at the department, the Malwani Urban Health Centre, Kasturba hospital for infectious diseases and the Rural Health Training Centres by rotation.
The teaching also involves daily PG teaching activities including a university seminar on Saturdays. The students also undertake a research project /dissertation during this period and make presentations of small research projects at conferences.
Internship training.
The internship training programme is of one year duration. During this period an intern is posted at various departments of the hospital as per the university guidelines. They are also posted at peripheral hospitals, urban health centre Malwani and centres for rural training.
Yellow Fever Vaccination OPD:
Yellow Fever Vaccination OPD is functional in KEM Hospital since 26th March 2019. It is one of the six Government of India authorized centre in Mumbai. It is run under the Department of Community Medicine, Seth G.S. Medical College & KEM Hospital.
The Yellow Fever Vaccination OPD is located in Multi-storeyed Building, 1st Floor, OPD No. 10.
Days: Tuesday & Thursday
Timings: 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm
Vaccinations given: Yellow Fever vaccine and Oral Polio Vaccine
Fees: Yellow Fever Vaccine: Rs. 300 per dose, Oral Polio Vaccine: No charges
Nodal Officers:
Dr. Sangeeta Ravat
Dean (GSMC & KEMH)
Dr. Vijaykumar Singh
Professor and Head
Dept. of Community Medicine
Dr. R.S. Kembhavi
Nodal Officer, Professor (Additional)
Dept. of Community Medicine
Dr. Deepika Nandanwar
Assistant Nodal Officer, Assistant Professor
Dept. of Community Medicine
The procedure for Yellow Fever Vaccination:
- The vaccination services are provided on the first come first served basis.
- The registration system is followed to maintain the first come first served system.
- At time of registration, the Travel Document (ORIGINAL PASSPORT) is checked and all the beneficiaries are instructed to read the necessary information regarding Yellow Fever Vaccination displayed in the registration / waiting area.
- The beneficiaries are informed to keep the Travel Document (ORIGINAL PASSPORT) and the vaccination fee Rs.300/- with them at the time of vaccination.
- All the beneficiaries are instructed to wait in the waiting area and the beneficiaries are called for vaccination in batches of 10 persons in vaccination room.
- All the beneficiaries are informed and allowed to read about the side effects / adverse reactions and other related information about Yellow Fever Vaccination.
- The informed consent is taken from all the beneficiaries.
- The entries are filled up in the vaccination register from Travel Document & subsequently the fee of Rs.300 is collected and the receipt for the same is given to beneficiaries.
- The beneficiaries are directed to complete the entries related to vaccine in WHO Yellow Fever Vaccination card and directed for vaccine inoculation.
Palliative care OPD:
Palliative Care OPD was inaugurated on 4th April 2019 by Dr Hemant Deshmukh,Dean,Seth G.S.Medical College by lighting the lamp with Dr Nadkar,Academic Dean and Professor & Head, Department of Medicine, Dr Gajanan Velhal, Professor and Head, Department of Community Medicine. Dr Jayita Deodhar,Professor & Head,Department of Palliative Medicine, Tata Memorial Hospital also graced the occasion. Matron and Prinicipal School of Nursing also attended the inauguration. Faculty from Community Medicine and Occupational Therapy department also participated in the programme. Palliative care OPD is operational since 4th April 2019 by Department of Community Medicine in collaboration with Department of General Medicine at Seth G.S.Medical College & KEM Hospital, every Thursday morning, from 10 am to 12.30 pm at multi-storeyed building 1st floor OPD No 10.
Patients having chronic conditions with symptom burden such as pain, breathlessness, chronic non-healing wounds, delirium etc, and/or psycho-social concerns, who require discussions on insights of patient’s illness and long term planning, can attend this OPD.
The key personnel’s for this OPD are:
Dr. Mridula Solanki, Associate Professor, Community Medicine, Dr. Kaustubh Salagre, Associate Professor, General Medicine, Dr. Dilip Kadam, Associate Professor(Addl), Community Medicine, Dr. Sujata Lavangare, Assistant Professor, Community Medicine and Mrs. Snehali Rane, Staff Nurse.
Faculty | Designation | Photo | |
Dr Vijaykumar Singh | Professor & Head | | ![]() |
Dr. K. P. Bhate | Professor(Emeritus) | | ![]() |
Dr. R. S. Kembhavi | Professor | | ![]() |
Dr. Y. B. Chavan | Professor (Addl) | | ![]() |
Dr. S. M. Acharya | Professor (Addl) | | ![]() |
Dr. M. J. Solanki | Professor(Addl) | | ![]() |
Dr. Pavan Sable | Assoc. Professor | | ![]() |
Dr. Swati Deshpande | Assoc. Professor | | ![]() |
Dr. Sujata Lavangare | Assoc. Professor | | ![]() |
Dr Janardan Bandi | Assoc. Professor | | ![]() |
Dr. Milind Rasal | Assistant Professor | | ![]() |
Dr. Aftab Siddiqui | Assistant Professor | | ![]() |
Mr. Pratap Jadhav | Assistant Professor (Statistics & Demography) | | ![]() |
Dr. Amit Bhondve | Assistant Professor | | ![]() |
Dr. Sandeep Mishra | Assistant Professor | | ![]() |
Dr. Rupali Sabale | Assistant Professor | | ![]() |
Dr. Deepika Sadawarte | Assistant Professor | | ![]() |
Dr. Anuradha Mohapatra | Assistant Professor (Contractual) | | |
Dr. Shruti Shastri | Assistant Professor(Contractual) | | ![]() |
Dr. Ambika Bhaskar | Assistant Professor(Contractual) | | |
Dr. Ashwini Sapkal | Assistant Professor(Contractual) | |
Office staff
Staff | Designation |
Mr. Vijay jawlekar | Community Development Officer (CDO) |
Mr. Sachin Shirke | Laboratory Technician |
Mr. Rajeev Desai | Record Assistant |
Mr. Santosh K Sakpal | Sweeper |
Ms. Amrapali Sonkamble | Aaya |
Mr. Amit Sonawane | MPW |
Staff at Malvani Urban Health Center, Malad
Staff | Designation |
Mrs. Shweta Patil | Public Health Nurse (PHN) |
Mr. Ravindra Dabhade | Community Development Officer (CDO) |
Mr. Sachin Vasave | Community Development Officer (CDO) |
Mr. Naresh Jadhav | Laboratory Technician |
Mr. Nilesh Sankhe | Laboratory Technician |
Mr. Yogesh Shah | Pharmacist |
Mr. Vishnu More | Ward Boy |
Mr. Kiran Ghadge | Ward Boy |
Mr. Ramchandra Jadhav | Lab technician |
Mr. Mohsin Shaikh | Sweeper |
Mrs. Shweta Shrungarpure | Sweeper |
Research Projects & Training Programme:
Research Publication:
A Study to assess the effectiveness of training on ‘First Aid’ among students of Industrial Training Institute in tribal area of Thane district, Maharashtra – Mandar V. Chandrachood, Shrikala Acharya – published in International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health 2019 Apr;6(4):1573-1577 pISSN 2394-6032 | eISSN 2394-6040.
‘Prevalence and risk factors of dental caries among school children from a low socio economic locality in Mumbai, India –Nanda Pai, Shrikala Acharya,ShubhangiMankar- International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences, 2018, Vol.4 Issue 1,Part D:203-207.
Department of PSM is involved in conducting following research projects:
Costing of Health Services in Different States of India.
Normal weight obesity- Role of apo-B & Insulin sensitivity in predicting future Cardiovascular risk.
Assessment of newer epidemiological determinants of Leptospirosis in Mumbai with respect to Rural-Urban differences.
Baseline health profile of Pathardi village, Jawahar.
Gap analysis of Urban Reproductive Maternal Neonatal Child health & Adolescents focusing on most vulnerable groups in Malegaon & Bhiwandi Municipal Corporations of Maharashtra.
Multi-centric study to assess the Exposure and health effects of pesticides on general population.
Technology, Training & Task shifting (3T) approach to enhance quality of services at an Urban Health centre, Malwani.
A multicentric study on assessment of exposure and health effects of pesticides on general population” in coordination with ICMR.
Department Academic Activities:
Department Academic Activities | Date |
2. Training programme on “Revised Programmatic management of drug resistant TB 2017 guidelines and Current updates on HIV” for teaching faculties, resident medical officers, staff nurses and interns. This programme was conducted as per National Programme guidelines with support from the Public Health Department of MCGM |
26th March 2019, 2nd April 2019, 5th April 2019, 12th April 2019 and 16th April 2019. |
“Basic Workshop in Research Methodology” was organized by Department of Community Medicine Seth G.S. Medical College to KEMH |
18th July to 20th July 2018, 15th Oct to 17th Oct 2018, 5th to 7th Feb 2019 & 23rd July to 25th July 2019 |
“Basic Workshop in Research Methodology” was organized by Department of Community Medicine Seth G.S. Medical College to KEMH |
23rdJuly to 25th July 2019 |
CME on “Epidemiology & Control Measures against acute respiratory illnesses including Swine Flu” |
27th December 2019 |
Department of Preventive & Social Medicine (Community Medicine)
Library Building, 3rd Floor, Seth G. S. Medical College & K. E. M. Hospital
Parel, Mumbai – 400 012
Along with department of Physiology and Forensic Medicine.
- To emerge as a centre of excellence in teaching, training, services, research and health management in the domain of Community Medicine and Public health.
- To create a cadre of competent professionals having skills & abilities to evolve innovative health Policies and Programs for Community development at National & International level.
- We, as a department, collectively and diligently strive to achieve the goals and objectives of the department and utilize our professional expertise for planning, co ordination and implementation of quality academic programs, to develop community health/ public health professionals in compliance with the directives of the MCI (Medical Council of India) and MUHS (Maharashtra University of Health Sciences)
- We recognize that, health is a medium of socio-economic development and that primary health care with an epidemiological approach is the key to ensure holistic health care.
- We adopt & practice the principles of modern management and Medical Education Technology to impart quality medical education and provide an empowering learning environment, to evolve Leadership in Public health Management in students/ trainees who will influence health policies, programs and collaborative partnerships at National & International levels.
We Believe in
We all faculties, staff members & resident doctors in Department of Community Medicine believe in
- Excellence in teaching Community Medicine
- Persistent efforts towards capacity building
- Advocacy for Knowledge- Action- Impact pathway
- Promotion of Community Participation
- Evolving cadre of Public Health managers
- Activism in delivering Primary Health care
- In built quality in Health care services including Gender sensitivity
- Strengthening research in Community/ Public health
- Working together to achieve these goals
Contact us
Department of Community Medicine | +91 (22) 24107484 |
Professor & Head (Dr.Vijaykumar Singh) | +91 (22) 24107074 |
Professor | +91 (22) 24107714 |
IDSP (Control Room) | +91 (22) 24107840 |
General OPD | +91 (22) 24107319 |
Malvani Urban Health Center | +91 (22) 28881174 |