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Background History

The department of Pathology at the twin institutions was started in 1926 along with other departments under able leadership of none other than Dr Vasant Ramji Khanolkar. He was Padma Bhushan and Padma Shree awardee and had done pioneering work on cancer, leprosy and blood groups. He is often referred to as “Father of Pathology & Medical Research” in India and his birthday (13th April) is celebrated as ‘National Pathology Day’. Dr Khanolkar and associates made the curriculum for M.D Pathology and Bacteriology which was followed all over India. The department has grown enormously since its inception blessed with a legacy of being headed by stalwarts in the subject like Dr Y M Bhende, Dr Suman Kinare and others. The Jamnadas Lallubhai Museum was opened in 1934 to house the vast collection of pathology specimens. The rare Bombay blood group was recognized by Dr. Bhende and co-workers in 1952, in this department. The department has produced a number of fine, dedicated pathologists who are giants in the subject.

  • One of the first Departments in the country to start sub-specializations in Pathology, starting with the Cardiovascular & Thoracic Laboratories (1968) under the initiative of Dr. Suman G. Kinare and Neuropathology Laboratory (1973) headed by Dr D H Deshpande; Currently 12 Organ-specific Specialties
  • First Municipal Corporation Hospital to have a well-functioning immunohistochemistry laboratory
  • First Pathology Department in Maharashtra to have university recognized Fellow-ship programs in different sub-specialties
  • President of Indian Association of Pathologists & Microbiologists – Dr. Suman Kinare (1986, first woman President) and Dr. Pradeep Vaideeswar (2019)
  • Performs one of the largest numbers of investigations at a single center in India
  • Regular participation in external quality assessment programs
  • State of the art seminar room facilitated through generous donations from an alumnus.
  • Point of care laboratory facility for COVID19 and other patients started. New tests CRP, IL6, D-Dimer added for COVID & other patients
  • Automation in most of the laboratories

Future Outlook

  • Centralization of the laboratories
  • NABL accreditation



Clinical & Hematological Services OPD 008  
1. Outpatient Department Laboratory (MSB Ground Floor)

Blood collections


Coagulation profile (BT/CT):

Routine urine examination

Malarial Parasites                                    

Platelet count       




2. O. C Laboratory  







Clinical Pathology and Hematology (MSB 6th floor)                                                           


Malarial parasites                                                         

Optimal / QDX (Malarial antigen test)                                                                                           

Platelet count                                                               

Special investigations (sickling, LE cell, Retic count, buffy coat, Microfilaria)                         

Special stains for leukemia                                          

Bone marrow biopsies, Bone marrow Aspirate & Imprint                                                     

Urine examination                                                                                                                                         

Fluid samples for microscopy




Neuropathology  (MSB 6th floor)

CSF examinations & cytology

Brain, Spinal cord lesion biopsies, Nerve and Muscle biopsy

Intra-operative diagnosis (Frozen Section)

Neuropathology autopsy                                                               



Autopsy    (Mortuary Building and Library building 2nd floor)

Autopsies: Pathology + Medico-Legal Post Mortems

Reporting of Outside medicolegal autopsies




Surgical Pathology Laboratory (Library Bldg 2nd floor)

General Surgical pathology

Surgical small biopsies

Gastrointestinal Pathology

Renal pathology & Kidney biopsies

Pediatric Pathology

Liver biopsies

Frozen section

Special stains

Immunohistochemistry (IHC)



Cytology (Library Bldg 2nd floor)   

Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology

Fluid cytology for malignant cells



CVTC Laboratory 116 (CVTC Building First Floor)

Surgical Biopsies & Excisions                                     

Cardiopulmonary Autopsies

Sputum & Other Fluid Cytology



CVTC Laboratory 315 (CVTC Building First Floor)

Blood Collections (OPD+ Wards)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          


Prothrombin time  (PT)                                                 

Routine body Fluid Examination

Lipid Profile (Triglycerides) + (Cholesterol)

Complete lipid Profile (Triglycerides) + (Cholesterol) + (HDL) + (LDL)

Serum Amylase                                         


CPK- MB                                                    




CVTC Immunology Lab 316    (CVTC Building First Floor)    

RA factor                                                                                                                                                                                      


Anticardiolipin antibodies                                                                                                                                                          

Antinuclear Antibodies                                                         

Anti ds DNA antibodies                                   

Bronchalveolar lavage cytology                        






EMS laboratory    (CVTC Building First Floor)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               


Smears for malarial parasites                                                                    

Arterial Blood Gas                                                                         


Patient Feedback -

Patient Education -

Courses offered -

  1. M.D. (Pathology) – 14 students per year
  2. MBBS –250 students per year
  3. D.M.L.T - 10 students per year
  4. B.P.M.T Course – 5 students per year
  5. BPTh & BOTh course – Total 80 students (40 each) per year
  6. Fellowships in Cytopathology, Renal Pathology, GI Pathology, Cardiovascular Pathology, Pediatric Pathology and Neuropathology – 12 MUHS  fellowship posts sanctioned per year & 7 fellows under training at present.
  7. B Sc Nursing lectures for 80 SNDT nursing students
  8. Observership offered for Autopsy training and Histopathology training to MD & DNB Pathology post-graduates from all over India.

Student Activities-

  1. Our PG students regularly present posters and oral papers in state, national & international CMEs, conferences
  2. They participate in several specialty quiz programs.

Teaching schedule/ Academic calendar-

  • UG (MBBS) –
  • Total teaching hours 238 hours (80 hours of lectures, 138 hours of Practicals, 12 hours of SDL)
  • AETCOM (12 hours)
    • PG (MD Pathology)






    Journal Clubs





    Case Presentation





    Topic Presentations/Slide/ Impromptu sessions










    Gross Meetings





    Slide meetings










    Workshop/CME (conducted by Dept of Pathology)

    • 15/3/2018 to 17/3/2018 – 5th autopsy workshop conducted by entire Pathology faculty at Seth GSMC & KEMH, Mumbai which was attended by over 250 delegates
    • 3rd -5th October 2019 ‘Liver Pathology-International update 2019’ conducted by entire Pathology faculty at Seth GSMC & KEMH, Mumbai which was attended by over 250 delegates, by Dr. Amita Joshi, Dr. Rachana Chaturvedi, Dr. Manjusha Karegar, Dr. Ashvini Kolhe.
    • Intercollegiate Under Graduate quiz in Pathology Regional and State rounds on 25/8/2019 and 1/10/2019 respectively, conducted by Dr Kanchan Kothari & Dr Pragati Sathe. GSMC students Soumitra Ginodia & Manish Talkar (UG students) won the second prize at all India level at Bhopal
    • “Hands- on- slide viewing session on Hematology” is conducted annually.
    • Senior surgical meetings hosted annually in July; to discuss interesting & challenging cases and is attended by pathologists all over Mumbai.
    • Teaching Pathologists & Microbiologist Conference jointly hosted with Microbiology dept annually.


     Prizes 2022

    • Dr Amey Rojekar completed Fellowship in Nephropathology from University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA during Sept 2021 to Aug 2022
    • Oral Paper 1st prize MAPCON 2022: Hematopathology: An Autopsy Study of Hemolytic Anemias Sayan Boral, Daksha Prabhat, Tejaswini Waghmare, Pradeep Vaideeswar.
    • Poster 1st Prize at MAPCON 2022: A Very Unusual Neck Swelling in A Child! Tejas Patil, Mona Agnihotri, Pragati Sathe, Kanchan Kothari
    • 1st Prize of PG Quiz at MAPCON 2022: Dr Sayan Boral
    • Institutional Third (3rd) Prize in Slide Seminar - at MAPCON 2022
    • Poster 1st Prize at APCON 2022: Primary signet ring cell adenocarcinoma arising in exstrophy of urinary bladder. Nupur Harinkhede, Gwendolyn Fernandes, Gloria Khumanthem, Amey Rojekar

    Prizes 2021

    • Oral Paper 1st prize MAPCON 2021: Clinicopathologic analysis of appendiceal neoplasms: A retrospective 10 year study. Khedekar R, Rajbhar R, Karegar MM, Rachana C, Joshi A.
    • Oral Paper 2nd Prize at MAPCON 2021: Spectrum of Thyroid neoplasms diagnosed on fine needle aspiration cytology and their correlation with American College of Radiology -Thyroid Image Reporting and Data System (ACR-TIRADS ) scoring. Gidwani N, Singh S, Kothari K, Agnihotri M.
    • Poster 2nd Prize at MAPCON 2021: Cytodiagnosis of Primary Thyroid Lymphoma- Hits and a Miss. Deepthi U, Agnihotri MA, Kolhe A, Waghmare T, Karegar M, Kothari K
    • Poster 3rd prize at MAPCON 2021: A rare case of Muir-Torre Syndrome. Sujith U, Sathe PA, Agnihotri MA, Joshi AS

    Prizes 2019

    • MAPCON slide seminar- 2nd prize, Akola, September 2019.
    • Dr.Sayan Boral- 2nd prize for poster presentation  ”Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis” at International Non-neoplastic Pediatric Pathology CME held at TN Medical College and Nair Hospital from 8-9 November 2019.
    • Dr Neha Agrawal: 1st prize for poster presentation ‘ Role of FNAC in granulomatous inflammation of breast – A series of 16 cases’ at MAPCON 2019.
    • Dr Jyoti Chirmade: 2nd Prize for oral paper presentation at MAPCON 2019. ‘Utility of Milan system for salivary gland cytopathology – A five year study’.

    Prizes 2018

    • MAPCON slide seminar- 1st prize at AFMC, Pune, September 2018.
    • Dr. Pooja Keshan- 1st prize for Oral Presentation An Autopsy study of Haematolymphoid Malignancy –at MAPCON 2018 .
    • Dr. Meenakshi Chaturvedi - 1st prize for poster presentation “Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (T-cell type ) with pregnancy – An Autopsy Case Report” at MAPCON at AFMC, Pune, September 2018.
    • Dr. Nikita Garg- 1st prize for poster presentation “Symchronous surprises at Autopsy- A case report” MAPCON 2018, AFMC, Pune.
    • Dr. Komal in Cytocon- 1st prize for poster presentation “Decoy cells in urine cytology as a diagnostic clue of human polyoma virus infection – a report of 6 cases” at Goa 2018.
    • Dr. Minal Desale- 1st prize for poster presentation “Male pseudohermaphroditism due to five alpha reductase 2 deficiency” CME AAPUD July 2018 at Kochi.
    • Dr. Santosh T- 1st prize for paper presentation –“ Fibroadenoma versus phyllodes on FNAC – A vexing problem revisited” at Madhya Pradesh conference 2018



Dr Pradeep Vaideeswar


Silver’s Cardiovascular Pathology (Elsevier 2022 – Chapter Contribution)


Autopsy Practices (Jaypee Brothers 2022 – Co-editor)


Acute Rheumatic Fever & Chronic Rheumatic Heart disease (Jaypee Brothers 2022 – Chapter Contribution)


A Practical Approach to Transcatheter ASD Closure (Bhalani Book Depot 2022– Chapter Contribution)

Other faculties as co-authors


Maternal Mortality – Lessons Learnt From Autopsy (Springer 2022 – Chapter Contributions - Co-authors: Asha Shenoy, Daksha Prabhat, Manjusha Karegar, Pradeep Vaideeswar, Tejaswini Waghmare)


Tropical Cardiovascular Pathology – Autopsy-based Clinicopathological Cases (Springer 2022 – Editor – Dr Pradeep Vaideeswar; Co-authors:Amey Rojekar, Balaji Baste, Gwendolyn Fernandes, Manjusha Karegar, Mona Agnihotri, Pragati Sathe, Swati Kolhe, Tejaswini Waghmare)





Shenoy AS, Bhosale MN, Amonkar GP. An Autopsy Study of Cerebrovascular Atherosclerosis in the Elderly. Neurology India 2022; 70: 2411-2415


Goel A, Shenoy A, Shah A, Goel N, Vutha R. Cavernous haemangioma of cavernous sinus- An outcome report of  45 surgically treated patients. World Neurosurgery . 2022;159:381-89


Shinde S, Shenoy A. Cerebral CD1a positive Rosai-Dorfman disease with coexistent granulomatous angitis:A case report. Glioma. 2022;5:77-9


Chaudhary J, Shenoy A, Goel N.Eosinophilic Meningitis due to A. cantonensis revealed at Autopsy. IJPM. 2022; 65:420-1


Bohora S, Mumtaz Z, Phadke M, Bhute V, Bhatia V, Vora A, Naik A, Nabar A, Jankharia B, Vaideeswar P, Panicker G, Bhure U, Lokhandwala Y. Long-term, real world experience of ventricular tachycardia and granulomatous cardiomyopathy. Ind Pacing Electrophysiol J 2022; 22: 169 - 178.


Daga P, Vaideeswar P, Goyal A, Marathe S, Bhargav R. Occult rheumatic scourge: A clinicopathological analysis of missed rheumatic heart disease. Indian J Pathol Microbiol 2022; 65:766-71


Vaideeswar P, Patil S, Chaudhari J. Disseminated epithelial cancers-An autopsy analysis. Indian J Pathol Microbiol  2022; 65: 76-86.


Bansod S, Vaideeswar P, Ravat S, Panandikar G. Thymectomy for myasthenia gravis: A pathological analysis. Indian J Pathol Microbiol  2022; 65: 129 - 132.


Vaideeswar P, Bhuvan M, Goel N. Pulmonary ossifying carcinoid - MEN in a male? J Postgrad Med 2022; 68: 44 - 47.


Desai HM, Vaideeswar P, Gaikwad M, Amonkar GP. Pathology of pulmonary tuberculosis: has the tiger changed its stripes? Autops Case Rep 2022; 12: e2021370.


Kothari R, Vaideeswar P, Kolhe S, Zare P. Peri-adventitial smooth muscle - inheritance of the iliac arterial system? Cardiovasc Pathol 2022; 61:107461.


Bane K, Desouza J, Rojewale A, Katkam RR, Fernandes G, Sawant R, Dudhedia U, Warty N, Chauhan A, Chaudhari U, Gajbhiye R. Dysregulation of X-ray repair cross-complementing 4 expression in the eutopic endometrium of women with endometriosis. Reproduction. 2022; 163: 95-105.


Agrawal P, Samant P, Fernandes G. Caesarean scar defect: a histopathological comparative study. IJRCOG 2022; 11: 3165-3170.


Fernandes G, Mahashete P, Patwardhan PP Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis following enteric fever: a rare autopsy case report. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. Available online. Print awaited.


Fernandes G, Khumanthem G, Patil M, Harinkhede N, Rojekar A. Primary Signet Ring Cell a Adenocarcinoma arising in Exstrophy of the Urinary Bladder (Epispadias Exstrophy Complex). Indian J Pathol Microbiol. Accepted


Fernandes G, Mhashete P, Desale M. Disorders of Sexual Development-Pathological Profile of 45 Cases at a Tertiary Care Centre. JCDR 2022, 16(3): ER07-ER13


Fernandes G, Sujith U. Shenoy A, Karegar M. Atypical Leiomyoma with Amianthoid-like Fibers (ALWAF), causing Rupture Uterus, Haemoperitoneum and Mortality- A Case Report. JCDR. 2022:16: ED03-ED04.


Sathe P, Agnihotri M. Pilomatricoma with florid ossification: A rare feature in a common tumor. Indian J Pathol Microbiol .2022;65:735


Karegar M, Rajbhar R, Vaideeswar P. “Black esophagus” in a case of candidial gastric perforation.  Hum Pathol Rep 2022; 29: 300659.


Agnihotri M, Naik L, Kothari K, Kharat J. Plasmacytoid cells in a thyroid aspirate–Look before you leap. CytoJournal 2022;19.


Kolhe A, Shenoy A, Tayal S, Goel N. Lhermitte-Duclos disease: A series of six cases JNRP 2022; 14: 127


Singh K, Kolhe A, Goel N. Cerebellar liponeurocytoma: Report of a rare entity.
J Sci Soc 2023; 50: 108-10.


Tongaonkar A, Sonawale A, Prabhat D., Waghmare T, Mulkalwar A, Patel M. A rare case of Hodgkin’s lymphoma presenting as hypereosinophilia.   


Mawalankar G, Waghmare T, Ingle K, Prabhat D. Adult onset Gaucher's disease: A rare entity with unusual presentation.  International Journal of Scientific Research : Volume 12:  Issue 5: May 2023


Mawalankar G, Waghmare T, Ingle K, Prabhat D. Bone marrow biopsies in paediatric age group and their clinicohaematological correlation – A study from Western India..  International Journal of Scientific Research ; Volume 12: Issue 6 : June 2023


Kumar A, Kolhe S, Vaideeswar P. Multi-locular anterior mediastinal cyst - Schwannomatous surprise.  Indian J Pathol Microbiol 2022; 65: 942-3.




Gajaria P, Shenoy A, Goel N.Melanoma of the central nervous system: A report of three cases.IJPM.2021;64(3), 535-40


Gajaria P, Shenoy A, Baste BD, Goel NA. Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia of the cavernous sinus – A rare occurence. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2021; 64: 541-544.


Gajaria P, Shenoy A, Baste B, Goel NA. Glioblastoma occurring as second primary in a treated case of diffuse large B cell lymphoma. Asian Journal Of Neurosurgery 2021; 16: 178.


Gajaria P, Shenoy A, Goel N. Non-meningothelial dural based lesions – a Histopathological analysis. Asian Journal Of Neurosurgery(2021, In Press)


Goel A , Vutha R, Shah A, Singh K, Goel N, Shenoy A et al. A large lateral intraventricular tumor- outcome of radical surgery. Journal of clinical neuroscience.2021, 88; 205-12


Goel A , Jadhav D, Shah A, Shenoy A, Goel N, Endodermal cyst: rare intraaxial brainstem location. Illustrative cases.Journal of Neurosurgery case lesson 2.2021,11


Kurekar S, Chaudhary J, Shenoy A, Chaturvedi R. Atypical cervical stromal cells masquerading as malignancy. APALM.2021, 8, C 30-31


Vaideeswar P, Yadav S. Vascular tangle in the inter-atrial septum - Is it the source of cardiac myxoma? Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2021; 64: 469 - 471.


Vaideeswar P, Tyagi S, Singaravel S, Marathe SP. Sudden cardiac deaths: Role of nonischemic myocardial disorders-Part II. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2021; 64: 231 - 237.


Vaideeswar P, Tyagi S, Singaravel S, Marathe SP. Sudden cardiac deaths: Role of nonischemic myocardial disorders-Part 1. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2021 ;64(1):14-21.


Vaideeswar P, Kundu S, Singaravel S, Tyagi S. Spontaneous aortic rupture: Report of two cases with review of literature. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2021; 64: 152 -154.


Lanjewar D, Vaideeswar P, Deore N, Jhala N. Sudden death due to amyloidosis of intramural coronaries in a patient with amyloidosis of hip joint - An autopsy report with a review of literature. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2021; 64: 791 - 794. 


Zare P, Vaideeswar P. Incidental dural-based mass: Surprisingly leiomyoma. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2021; 64: 837-838.


Goyal A, Vaideeswar P, Daga P, Bhargav R. Acute rheumatic fever – A pathological analysis of clinically missed cases. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2021; 64: 651 - 654.


Kulkarni M, Vaideeswar P. A method of restoration and preservation of mounted anatomical pathology specimens. J Histotechnol. 2021; 44: 144 - 149.


Fernandes G. Datar S. An Autopsy of Acute Adrenal Insufficiency Resulting from Infarction of Both Adernal Glands, in a Pregnant woman with Metastatic Carcinoma of the Breast. J. Clin. Diagn. Res. 2021; 15:01-03


Kothari KS, Agnihotri MA, Rojekar A, Waghmare T, Kolhe A. Warthin-Finkeldey giant cells –A useful clue to the cytodiagnosis of Kimura’s disease: A report of 3 cases.. Diagn Cytopathol 2021;49(4):164-66.


Talwar S, Sengupta S, Marathe S, Vaideeswar P, Airan B, Choudhary SK. Tetralogy of Fallot with coronary crossing the right ventricular outflow tract: A tale of a bridge and the artery. Ann Pediatr Cardiol. 2021; 14: 53 - 62.


Kothari K, Agnihotri M, Ingle K .Soft tissue recurrence of giant cell tumor of metacarpal bone - Report of an unusual case diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology. Diagn Cytopathol 2021;49; 1224-25.


Agrawal N, Kothari K, Santosh T, Sood P, Agnihotri M, Shah V. Fine needle aspiration biopsy cytopathology of breast lesions using the international academy of Cytology Yokohama system and rapid on-site evaluation - A single institute experience. Acta Cytol 2021; 65: 463-77


Chirmade J, Kothari K, Naik L.Agnihotri M. Utility of the Milan system for reporting salivary gland cytopathology: A retrospective 5 years study.  Diagn Cytopathol 2021; 49: 500-8.


Chaudhari J, Kothari K, Vaideeswar P. Catechism (Quiz 11). Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2021 ;64(1):226-228.


SatheP. Lipoblastoma at rare sites:A report of two cases. Clin Cancer Investig J 2021;10:267-8


Ray M, Sathe P, Vaideeswar P, Marathe S. The Ring-and-Sling complex – Does it "Ring" true? Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2021; 64: 683 - 686.


Koranne MS, Patil PD, Karegar MM, Dhamnaskar SS. Incidence of carcinoid tumors in appendectomy specimens: Review of 4485 cases. Int J Surg Med 2021;7: 39-43.


Bhandari N, Karegar M, Vaideeswar P. A rare case of metastatic malignant phylloides tumour with osteosarcomatous differentiation presenting with intestinal obstruction. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2021( In Press)


Priyanka M,  Kolhe A. Surface epithelial tumours of ovary: Clinicopathological study Of 100 cases. Euro J Mol Clin Med 2021;08(04)2642-54


Ullah J, Kolhe S, Vaideeswar P. Catechism (Quiz 13). Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2021; 64: 626 - 628.


Jashnani K, Patil R, Bhondve. A Spectrum of malignancies reported at tertiary care hospital and its comparison with other cancer registries in India. Int Aca Res J Int Med Pub Hlth, 2021;2(4)




Bachani N, Bagchi A, Vaideeswar P, Lokhandwala Y.Right atrial angiosarcoma presenting as supraventricular tachycardia. J Postgrad Med. 2020 ;66(4):222-223


Vaideeswar P, Karande S. Congenital absence of the left atrial appendage. J Postgrad Med. 2020;66(2):108-109


Sathe PA, Vaideeswar P, Kulshrestha R. An unusual cause of respiratory distress in an infant. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2020;63(4):672-674


Karande S, Vaideeswar P, Kadiyani L, Sathe P. Correct Antemortem Diagnosis of Pneumonia in Children With Fatal Illnesses.Indian Pediatr. 2020 15;57(4):361-362


Shah R, Vaideeswar P, Cochin T. Gestational pulmonary giant cell carcinoma - An autopsy report. Indian J Cancer. 2020;57(1):102-104.


Vaideeswar P, Aswani Y, Damani S, Singaravel S. Pulmonary microvascular metastases in cervical carcinoma: A case series. J Postgrad Med. 2020;66(3):155-158


Karande S, Kumar S, Vaideeswar P. How often is coarctation of aorta correctly diagnosed antemortem in children with fatal illnesses? A retrospective review of medical and autopsy records. J Postgrad Med. 2020;66(3):169-171.


Divate S, Damani S, Menon L, Vaideeswar P, Athavale A. Multifarious relation between Tuberculosis and pulmonary alveolar proteinosis. Ann Lab Med2020;7(1): A46-51


Bal A, Agrawal R, Vaideeswar P, Arava S, Jain A.COVID-19: An up-to-date review from morphology to pathogenesis.Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2020;63(3):358-366


Karande S, Sanju S, Vaideeswar P. Infective Endocarditis: Clinical and Autopsy Diagnosis.Indian J Pediatr. 2020;87(12):1073-1074.


Fernandes G, Deshpande V, Choudhary S, Shinde S. Synchronous Mucinous Tubular and Spindle Cell Carcinoma of the Kidney and Papillary Carcinoma of the Thyroid. Annals Pathol Lab Med. 2020; 7(2):C27-C30


Bane K, Desouza J, Shetty D, Choudhary P, Kadam S, Katkam RR, Fernandes G, Sawant R, Dudhedia U, Warty N, Chauhan A. Endometrial DNA damage response is modulated in endometriosis. Human Reproduction. 2021;36(1):160-74.


Fernandes G, Deshpande V. An Autopsy Case Report of Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome-Type 2C Masquerading as Pre-eclampsia and Resulting in Maternal and Foetal Mortality. Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research. 2020; 14(7): ED 01-03


Damani S, Patil S, Ansari M, Baste B. Retrospective study of soft tissue tumours - Role of histo morphology in diagnosis. APALM, 2020,7(9), 465-473


T Santosh, Kothari K, Agnihotri M, Naik L, Sood P Fibroadenoma versus phyllodes tumor – A vexing problem revisited.. BMC Cancer 2020; 20(1):648


T Santosh, Kothari KS, Agnihotri MA, Rojekar A, Naik L Diagnostic utility of urine cytology in detection of Decoy cells in renal transplant patients. A report of five cases and review of literature. Diagnostic Cytopathology 2020;48(3):222-27


Agnihotri M, Kothari K, Khadilkar A. Catechism(Quiz 8)  Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology 2020;63(2):342-44


Agnihotri M, Kothari K, Naik LP Fat necrosis of breast masquerading as malignancy diagnosed on fine needle aspiration cytology. J Midlife health 2020;11(1):49-50


Sathe P, Agnihotri, Manudhane R, Shinde S.Immature Gastric Teratoma in an Infant: A Rare Entity with Review of Literature. Indian J Pathol Microbiol 2021;64: S95-S96.


Sathe P,  Asthana A Pediatric eyelid lesions : a report of 20 cases.' Ann Lab Med 2020;7:A 509-A 513


Sathe P, Agnihotri M, Vinchu C. Synovial chondromatosis of ankle in a child: A rare presentation. J Postgrad Med 2020.;66:112-35


Sathe P, Agnihotri M, Joshi A, Marfatia H. Chondromyxoid fibroma of the nasal cavity - A rare tumor at an unusual site. Indian J Pathol Microbiol.2020; 63(4):656-657


Kolhe A, Shenoy A, Laul A, Goel N.Bony lesions of the cranium and spine. A study of 123 cases.  JCraniovertebral junction and Spine 2020;11(4):331-37.


Agnihotri M, Kothari K, Naik LP. Intramuscular metastasis of renal cell carcinoma: A rare occurrence, diagnosed on fine‑needle aspiration cytology. J Med Sci 2020;40(3):147


Agnihotri M, Sathe P.Urothelial papilloma in a child: a rare tumor. J Postgrad Med 2021;67:182-3.


Agnihotri M, Vaideeswar P. Rosettes-Diagnostic Feature of Askin Tumor on Cytology. Indian J Surg Oncol. 2020 Sep;11(3):451-452




Vaidya M, Shenoy A, Goel N.Meningiomas with collagenous Rosettes: A Report of Three Cases :  Asian J Neurosurg. 2019; 14(2): 568-570.


Shenoy A,  Khade S, Waghmare R. Meningioma: A Clinicopathological Correlation. APALM.2019; 6(3) , A 150-156 .


Vaidya M , Shenoy A , Goel NA. A Rare Case of Paranasal Sinus Schwannoma with Intracranial Extension. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2019 Mar, Vol-13(3).


Khade S,Shenoy A,  Waghmare R. Histopathological study of meningioma in a tertiary care centre: a two years experience. Trop J Path Micro 2019;5(1):1-7


Vaidya M., Shenoy A., Goel N. Chondrosarcoma Of The Dorsal Spine.J Craniovertebral Junction and Spine.2019, 10(4)


Vaidya M., Shenoy A., Goel N. A rare case of paranasal sinus Schwannoma with intracranial extension. JCDR. 2019, 13(3)


Vaidya M., Shenoy A., Goel N. Primary Pineal Rhabdomyosarcoma- A Rare Case. Asian J Neurosurg. 2019, 14; 1291-94


Shenoy A., Sathe S., Agnihotri M. Huge Tumoral Calcinosis Mimicking A Sarcoma. IJPM. 2019, 62; 337-338


Vaideeswar P, Chaudhari J ‘Primary Pulmonary Meningioma' Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology 2019; 62:486-7.


Vaideeswar P, Chaudhari J Fungal fibrosing Mediastinitis in a pregnancy Journal of Postgraduate Medicine.2019; 65(1) ; 52-55


Vaideeswar P. The thymoma tale. Indian J Med Res. 2019;150(2):110-111.


Vaideeswar P, Tyagi S, Singaravel S. Pathology of atherosclerotic coronary artery disease in the young Indian population. Forensic Sci Res. 2019;4:241-246.


Vaideeswar P, Chaudhari J. Primary pulmonary meningioma. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2019;62(3):486-487.


Vaideeswar P, Yadav S. Multifocal Epstein-Barr virus-associated military post-transplant smooth muscle tumors. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2019;  62(2):293-295.


Vaideeswar P. Cardiac sarcomas: A gist. Indian J Cancer. 2019; 56:88


Vaideeswar P, Chaudhari J, Goel N. Fungal fibrosing mediastinitis in pregnancy-Case report with review of literature. J Postgrad Med. 2019;65(1):52-55.


Memon SThakkar KPatil VJadhav SLila AFernandes GBandgar TShah NPrimary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease (PPNAD): single centre experience. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2019 ;32(4):391-397.  


Goroshi MJadhav SSarathi VLila APatil VShah RHira PSharmaRGoroshi SFernandes GRojekar ADalvi ABakshi GPrakash GShah NSBandgar TR. Radiological differentiation of phaeochromocytoma from other malignant adrenal masses: importance of wash-in characteristics on multiphase CECT..Endocr Connect. 2019 Jul 1;8(7):898-905. 


Baste B, Sathe P. Nodular hidradenoma. Ind J Child Health 2018;5:549-50


Kothari K, Santosh T, Agnihotri M, Sathe P, Naik L. This ‘Rose’ Has no Thorns—Diagnostic Utility of ‘Rapid On-Site Evaluation’ (ROSE) in Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology. Indian J Surg Oncol. 2019; 10: 688-98.


Santosh T, Kothari K, Agnihotri M, Rojekar A, Naik L. Diagnostic utility of urine cytology in detection of decoy cells in renal transplant patients: Report of five cases and review of literature.  Diagnostic Cytopathol 2019; 48(3):222-27.


Tummidi S, Kothari K, Agnihotri M.Cutaneous Metastasis of Laryngeal Neuroendocrine Carcinoma: a Case Report.Indian J Surg Oncol. 2019;10(3):563-566.


Tummidi S, Kothari K, Rojekar A, Tiwari A. Multiple tuberous and tendinous xanthomas diagnosed on fine-needle aspiration cytology-report of a rare case. Diagn Cytopathol. 2019;47(9):939-942.


Ananthan A, Nanavati R, Sathe P, Balasubramanian H. “Placental Findings in Singleton Stillbirths”: A Case-control Study. J Trop Pediatr 2019;65:21-8.


Agnihotri M, Kothari K, Naik L. Primary actinomycosis of anterior abdominal wall: A rare occurrence, diagnosed on fine needle aspiration cytology.Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2019 ;62(4):629-630.


Agnihotri M, Kothari K, Naik L. Sebaceous Carcinoma of Upper Eyelid Presenting as Submandibular Lymphadenopathy.J Cytol. 2019;36(1):73-74


Waghmare T , Prabhat D., Keshan P. An autopsy study of hematolymphoid malignancies .Int J Res Med Sci. 2019;7(4):1079-1087


Waghmare T, Prabhat D, Vairamoothy N.A Clinico-Hemaological Study of Cases of Leucoerythroblastic Reaction  Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 2019; 6 (2):  A-103 –A-114


Prabhat D, Waghmare T, Rangwala T . Utility of Hematology Histograms APLAM, 2019; 6 (4) :A-309-314


Waghmare, T. P., Prabhat, D. P., Keshan, P., & Vaideeswar, P. (2019). An autopsy study of hematolymphoid malignancies. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 7(4), 1079–1087.


Mishra S , Waghmare T,  Taware A.  Primary Thyroid Schwannoma with Papillary Carcinoma and Hurthle cell adenoma in a background of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis : A very rare occurrence Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2019 August ; Vol6, Issue 8 C83-85






Shenoy A., Singhal S, Shinde S.Solitary intraspinal juvenile xanthogranuloma in an infant.Asian J Neurosurgery.2018,13;172-175


Khade S. Shenoy A.Ectopic Choroid Plexus Papilloma.Asian J Neurosurgery.2018,13;191-194


Vaideeswar P, Karande S, Kadiyani L. Bilateral renal fungal balls in an infant. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2018 ;61(4):617-619


Tyagi S, Patki S, Vaideeswar P, Meshram V. Both-sided native valve infective endocarditis in a drug addict with incidental pneumoconiosis. J Forensic Leg Med. 2018;58:41-43.


Vaideeswar P, Marathe S, Singaravel S, Anderson RH. Discontinuity of the arch beyond the origin of the left subclavian artery in an adult: Interruption or coarctation? Ann Pediatr Cardiol. 2018;11(1):92-96.


Prabhat D, Saishta R., Waghmare T.: Leukemias in children – A clinico haematological study .  MedPulse International Journal of Pathology. 2018; 7(3): 152-158


Fernandes G, Munde S, Kumar S. Adrenal Gland Haemangioma Mimicking a Non-functional Pheochromocytoma. J Clin Diagn Res 2018;12(1):ED12-ED13


Shukla A. Gupte A, Gupte P, Mody T, Joshi A, Chaturvedi R et al.Chronic HBV-infected subjects older than 35years with persistently normal ALT and ultrasound, despite high viral load do not have significant fibrosis. Ind J of Gastroenterology .2015, 34: 341-342


Chaturvedi R, Joshi A, Karegar M. Histopathological study of Non-cirrhotic portal fibrosis (NCPF) with special emphasis on advanced fibrosis, APALM. 2018; 5 (12), A1002-08


Amita J, Manjusha K. Multilocular peritoneal inclusion cyst, rare occurrence in men: A case report IJPM. 2018, 61:166-8


Tummidi S, Kothari K, Sathe P, Agnihotri M, Fernandes G, Naik L, Jain A, Chaturvedi R.Endoscopic ultrasound guided brush/fine-needle aspiration cytology: A 15-month study.Diagn Cytopathol. 2018; 46(6):461-472.


Santosh T, Kothari K, Agnihotri M. Cytologic diagnosis of Cysticercosis: Role of FNAC with ROSE. IDCases 2018 Dec11;15:e00477


Tummidi S, Kothari K, Patil R, Singhal SS, Shah V. Sinonasal adenoid cystic carcinoma - role of on-site FNAC: A case report. BMC ear nose throat disord 2018;18:6.


Santosh T, Kothari K, Singhal SS, Shah VV, Patil R.Disseminated histoplasmosis in an immunocompetent patient - Utility of skin scape in diagnosis.  J Med Case Rep. 2018; 1:7


Joshi A, Karegar M. Granular Cell Tumour in Stomach: a Case Report Ind J of Surg Oncol  2018;  9 (4),598–600


Tummidi S, Sathe P, Gholap P, Patil M, Kothari K. Scar site metastasis of renal cell carcinoma diagnosed on-site cytology: a case report.BMC Cancer. 2018;18(1):266.


 Jain A, Karegar M, Joshi A, Rojekar A. Ileal Dieulafoy lesion: a rare case report. Surgical & experimental Pathology. Surg Exp Path. 2018; 1(6),


Agnihotri M, Kothari K, Sathe P, Shenoy  A. Eccrine Spiradenoma of the Vulva. Indian J Gynecol Oncolog 2018;16:29. 


Agnihotri M, Kothari K, Naik L. Pilomatrixoma: Cytodiagnosis without a ‘shadow’ of doubt ! Clin Cancer Investig J 2018;7(4):165-66.


Agnihotri M, Vaideeswar P. Diffuse esophageal submucosal retention cysts: An autopsy happenstance. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2018;61(1):145-146.


 Patwardhan P, Kolhe A., Chaturvedi R, Joshi A.Pure leydig cell tumour – a rare virilizing tumour in a young femaleInt J Med Res Rev. 2018; 6 (1); 60-64


Prabhat D, Rangwala S, Waghmare T. Leukemias in children - A clinico-haematological study. MedPulse International Journal of Pathology. September 2018; 7(3): 154-160.

Research Projects (2022):

  • Etiology of sudden cardiac death in medico-legal autopsies
  • Pathological evaluation of breast cancer post neoadjuvant therapy
  • Pulmonary pathology in perinatal and neonatal deaths – a five-year retrospective study
  • An autopsy study of fat distribution in liver in maternal deaths, with its clinical correlation
  •  Accuracy of fine needle aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of lymphoma – a retrospective analysis
  • Surgical pathology of spleen – A 5-year retrospective study
  • Clinico-pathological correlation of soft tissue tumors – a two year study
  • A clinicopathological analysis of supra-sellar lesions – a five-year study
  • Clinico-pathological study of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) in maternal mortality – A five-year study
  • Utility of the Papanicolaou society of cytopathology system for reporting pancreaticobiliary lesions cytology: a retrospective study
  • Role of liver biopsy in infantile cholestasis: A ten – year retrospective study
  • Clinico-pathological spectrum of uterine corpus lesions in   perimenopausal patients with abnormal uterine bleeding
  • A study of bone marrow biopsies in pancytopenia

Research Projects (2021):

  • Gall bladder project - Comparison of incidence of precursor and pre-invasive lesions of the gall bladder in patients operated for chronic cholecystitis and cholelithiasis in endemic and non-endemic regions in India with Tata Memorial hospital, Mumbai
  • Autopsy study of deaths due to cerebral venous sinus thrombosis and sagittal sinus thrombosis.
  • Clinico-pathologic study of lateral ventricular tumors
  • Autopsy study of pneumonia in children
  • Clinico-pathologic study of infective endocarditis in children
  • Utility of the Sydney system for reporting of lymph node aspiration cytology
  • Fine needle aspiration cytology of breast lesions and its correlation with mammography.
  • Renal pathology in autopsies of Diabetes Mellitus
  • Pathological profile of cases of disorders of sexual development at a tertiary care centre
  • Surgical Pathology of Malignant liver neoplasm- A 11 year retrospective study.

Research Project (2020)

  • Gall bladder project - Comparison of incidence of precursor and pre-invasive lesions of the gall bladder in patients operated for chronic cholecystitis and cholelithiasis in endemic and non-endemic regions in India with Tata Memorial hospital, Mumbai.

  • Research Project (2019)

  • Gall bladder project - Comparison of incidence of precursor and pre-invasive lesions of the gall bladder in patients operated for chronic cholecystitis and cholelithiasis in endemic and non-endemic regions in India with Tata Memorial hospital, Mumbai.

  • Research Project (2018):

  • Liver biopsy changes in hepatitis B patients before and after therapy - in collaboration with Department of GI Medicine
  • Gall bladder project - Comparison of incidence of precursor and pre-invasive lesions of the gall bladder in patients operated for chronic cholecystitis and cholelithiasis in endemic and non-endemic regions in India with Tata Memorial hospital, Mumbai.


  • Participation in blood donation camps


  • Participation in blood donation camps throughout the year

 2020: In the limelight dedicated for COVID -19 patients

  • Apart from working round the clock in routine and emergency laboratories, Pathology residents worked in covid wards in KEM, Seven Hills Hospital, NESCO Covid centre.
  • Pathology residents were involved in screening and swab collection camps all over Mumbai
  • Faculty and SMOs and fellows- Logistic coordinator duties in wards and SARI
  • Faculty-1) Discharge and transport coordinator duties
  • Member of central HR team managing Covid duty rotations
  • Coordinator for outsourced laboratory tests


  • Participate in blood donation camps
  • Blood collection of HIV patients in the ART program


  • Participate in blood donation camps
  • Blood collection of HIV patients in the ART program

Coming soon ...

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