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Student Dosti Program


19/04/2024 - EMOTION BINGO Shashwati Chavan 3rd year Batch-2 Offline at School of Nursing KEM 48 The activity of emotional expression benefits the students in the maintenance and adjustment of societal relationships, cultural understanding, social events, group interaction, expressing affect and coping with tension. Emotions are typically understood as the experience of emotion that generates both physiological and cognitive responses that impact our behavior. Emotional expression is a fundamental aspect of communicating with others and predominantly with ourselves. The students understood that the activity is about expressiveness. The expression of emotions benefited students in a practical way, such as helping them upon reflecting their emotions. Emotional expressions are our behavioral responses to experiencing emotions. They felt that it was Amazing, Enjoyable, Excited, Funny, Nice, Interesting, Lovely and Outstanding.
18/04/2024 - Write a letter to YOURSELF Shashwati Chavan 1st year Batch-1 Offline at School of Nursing KEM 48 The method used in this activity “writing therapy” helps the students understand their Interpersonal/ relationship issues, Communication skill issues, Low self-esteem etc, concerns and all they require is a piece of paper, a pen, and the motivation to write. This evidence-based exercise explored fundamental aspects of positive psychology including strengths, values and self-compassion and gave them tools to enhance well-being. Writing a letter also helps to improve memory, record important bits and pieces of the day, or just relax at the end of a long day. In addition to these more concrete benefits, regular therapeutic writing can helped the students find meaning in their experiences, view things from a new perspective, and see the silver linings in their most stressful or negative experiences
17/04/2024 - Write a letter to YOURSELF Shashwati Chavan 2nd year Batch-1 Offline at School of Nursing KEM 48 Emotions are a form of communication that human beings experience in response to events or situations. The activity of Emotions BINGO helps the students cultivate social connections, hand-eye coordination, sustain cognitive abilities and focus whereby expressing their emotions as making an expression is difficult. Recognizing ways to express our own emotions that are aligned with our cultural values, while still attending to our needs and feelings, can be beneficial both for ourselves and in our relationship with others. "Being aware of our internal emotional state and being more mindful and present with how our mind and body respond to situations enables us to manage stress better. The students relished the entire activity whereby they spotted themselves laughing, thinking how to draw/ Express. Towards completion each and every student appreciated how they had fun.
16/04/2024 - Write a letter to YOURSELF Shashwati Chavan 2nd year Batch-1 Offline at School of Nursing KEM 48 Writing A letter is a psychotherapy technique used in Gestalt therapy. The technique should help the students bring about more awareness of their thoughts, feelings and their emotions.As communicating to yourself can be so difficult, Writing therapy has been defined as “expressive and reflective writing, whether self-generated or suggested by a therapist . The students understood that the activity is very subjective. Thus, the students remarked compassionately, precisely how you feel about yourself as an individual, the characteristics that you appreciate about yourself, the things you’d like to improve about yourself, and how you might go about doing that. They exhibited interest throughout their participation. We received some positive responses from the students. They felt that it was Different, New, Nice, Interesting.
5/04/2024 - POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONF Shashwati Chavan & Shashi Velekar MBBS, OT/PT Offline at Girls common room and Foyer 37 Positive Affirmations conducted in college campus total 37 students participated, comprising 17 males and 20 females. The activity aimed to enhance self-awareness and positivity among college students. Participants enthusiastically embraced the initiative, expressing appreciation for the opportunity to focus on self-improvement. Feedback indicated that the activity fostered a sense of personal growth and empowerment. Many reported feeling more confident and motivated after engaging in affirmations. Overall, Positive Affirmations proved to be a valuable tool for promoting well-being and self-reflection among college students.
28/03/2024 - BOL MEETHE MEETHE Shashwati Chavan & Appurva Bhosle MBBS, OT/PT Offline at Girls common room and Foyer 26 Bol Meethe Meethe activity was conducted in the Campus with the students seeking to express Gratitude. Gratitude has been found to be beneficially associated with social wellbeing, emotional wellbeing, and psychological well being. We observed that few students took the activity personally and kept pondering what they could be grateful for. Initially students were confused, however, they demonstrated interest to participate. We received some positive responses from the students. They felt that it was different, sweet, polite, meaningful gesture, very thoughtful and a wonderful initiative. The students understood that Gratitude can be demonstrated in many ways. It can be shown with merely a straightforward, verbal “thank you”.To improve students' way of gratitude, they could reflect on how better they can express their appreciation to others.
26/09/2022 4.00 - 4.30pm Mental Health & Counseling Devika V. Nyalpelly 3rd Year Offline 30 The students of each batch from UG were explained the importance of mental health, selfcare and seeking professional help when needed. The process of counseling, when to seek counseling, what happens and what does not happen in counseling sessions, and the ethics of counseling were explained by the counselor. The goal of the seminar was to spread awareness regarding mental health issues, remove/reduce the stigma attached to it, talk more openly about these issues, and normalize seeking therapy. At the end of each seminar, all questions by students were answered and their doubts were clarified.
27/09/2022 4.00 - 4.30pm Mental Health & Counseling Devika V. Nyalpelly 1st Year Offline 28  
28/09/2022 4.00 - 4.30pm Mental Health & Counseling Devika V. Nyalpelly 4th Year Offline 26  
29/09/2022 4.00 - 4.30pm Mental Health & Counseling Devika V. Nyalpelly 2nd Year Offline 10  
07/10/2022 4.30 -5:00pm Academic Stress Manushi Gopalakrishnan 3rd year Offline 22 The seminar focused on stress and its management . Students learnt about the various symptoms of stress and also ways in which they can manage stress , especially related to academics. Progressive muscle relaxation was done as part of the seminar in order to help them manage stress and anxiety , especially before the examinations. The goal of the seminar was to help students understand healthy and unhealthy levels of stress and to approach a professional if needed. Since this seminar was conducted in a smaller setting, it encouraged the students to be more expressive and many of them shared a few stressors. At the end of the seminar, students’ questions were addressed .



Sr.No. Resource Person Date Time Topic Key Points No of Participants Feedback
1. Dr Kranti Kadam 27/09/22 2.15 – 3.30 pm Ice breaking and Communication Skills 1.Activity – Helps a. Establish introduction b. Develop communication skills Activity- Helps a. Encourage empathy b. Promotes teamwork
2. Effective communication Activity-
-Dealing with criticism and blame. -Improving interpersonal communication Different innovative ideas can be used while conducting sessions for students
24 1. Active participation by all the participants. 2. Interactive session. 3. The participants could relate to the ice breaking activities and there was exchange of ideas and different points of views.
2. Dr. Shilpa Adarkar 7/10/22 2.15 – 3.30 pm Ice breaking and Communication Skills 1.Activity – Helps a. Establish introduction b. Develop communication skills Activity- Helps a. Encourage empathy b. Promotes teamwork
2. Effective communication Activity- -Dealing with criticism and blame. -Improving interpersonal communication Different innovative ideas can be used while conducting sessions for students
24 1. Active participation by all the participants. 2. Interactive session. 3. The participants could relate to the ice breaking activities and there was exchange of ideas and different points of views.